The Meeting

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3 Years Earlier

I was at the store buying camping supplies, such as a tent, a bag, food, a ice box, and water. I payed the lady at the counter and carried everything to my green SUV, putting the items in the trunk and getting into the driver's seat.

My phone was ringing, it was my fiancee, "Hey Mikey-moo, how are you~?" I cooed.

"Heya Joycey-boo, I'm good, we're at the camping site, I just wanted to tell you~!" He cooed back.

"I just bought everything, I'm heading over there now." I said buckling my seat belt and starting the car.

"Ok, seeya in a bit then!"

"Mk, love ya~!" I smiled.

"Love ya too~!" He said before hanging up.

I set my phone back into my purse and backed out of the parking space, I drove down to the site.

1 Hour Later

The usually busy highway was eerily abandoned, my phone started ringing again.

Mike was calling again? Maybe something happened. I answered.

"Joyce? Joyce are you-" he sounds terrified.

"Mike? Mike what's wrong?" I asked worry filled my voice.

"Joyce- dont- come- go- hom-" His voice cut out, screams erupted from my smart phone.

I immediately stopped the car, " MIKE? ARE YOU OK?" I yelled


I shot up from my slumber, my sleeping bag unzipping as I do so. I rub my forehead and wipe tears away from my glossy forest green eyes. That day and the events still haunt me after three years of killing numerous zombies to get my revenge.

I heard a twig break and I instantly grabbed my axe and hid in the nearest tree, I looked around trying to spot anything. Which I happened to see messy brown hair and blue eyes starring at my sleeping bag.

"Someone was definitely here.. I wonder where they went." His raspy voice whispered. He seems to be alone.

I silently climbed off the tree and stalked him, once he was near the river that was nearby, I tackled him into the water pulling out my switch blade and swinging at him, he dodged most of them.

I was about to swim back to the surface for air but I got pulled back down, I kicked him and swam to the edge of the river and got out, gasping for breath, I hear the water splash behind me.

I took off and climbed a tree, jumping from tree to tree back to my bag, it was still tied to the highest branch in the tree right next to my sleeping bag.

"YOU CANT STAY UP THERE FOREVER YOU BITCH!" He yelled, trying to climb the tree.

I was about to jump to the next tree but the branch I was standing on snapped, I screamed as I fell about 20 feet. Though the man happened to be my cushion, I guess it's a good thing I dont weigh that much...

"Get off you asshat!" The man below me growled.

"Shh..." I whispered. I heard the familiar growl of a walker.

"Don't 'shh' me assh-" I cut him off by putting my index finger to his mouth and motioned for him to listen.

His blue eyes widen in fear, and pushed me off him taking a machete from his bag, that is soaked, might I add...

I pulled out my switch blade, and moved closer to the walker, sneaking up on it. I swiftly stab it through it's brain, black blood oozing out of the wound, I pulled my switch blade out and it fell with a low thud.

"I had that you know." The man said walking out from behind a tree.

"Mhm sure, then what took you so long." I spat.

"I was... waiting... for the perfect chance..?" He said, it sounded more like a question.

"Anywho. Name." I demanded.

"Jonathan Andelon. You?"

"Joyce. Joyce Crawford." I state. "So want to join me, Mr. Andelon?"

"Don't be so formal. Just call me Jon or Jonathan. And sure why not." He nodded smiling a little.

"Aight. Let me go get my sleeping bag, then we'll set off to the next city, Dallas, it's going to be like a week till we get there tho. I hope your prepared for that long walk."

"Of course I'm prepared." Jon, scoffed.

I nodded, rolling up my sleeping bag, and attaching it to my bag. Then we headed south.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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