I Love You

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"I love you."

"Okay? How am I supposed to take that?"

"I mean, I'm in love with you."


 "You scared me yesterday when you passed out."

"It isn't the first time."

"I love you."

"Stop saying that!"


"We're two girls... It's weird."

"We sleep in the same bed, Sara."

"That's because the apartment is really small."

"Hm, you cling a lot."

"What do you want me to say?"

"I want you to give it a shot, even if you were to date a boy it'd have to be a secret. Why not give us a chance?"

"We've only known each other for two years though..."

"You moved in with me after two weeks."

"You have a point..."

"If you don't feel the same.. it's fine."

"No... I do feel the same... It's just... Weird."

"That's okay, we can support each other through this."

"It seems like you're always supporting me."

"Because I love you."

"I love you too."

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