janitors closet

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Cindy had enough and was ready to pounce.

But she just wanted Cole to be with her,not some new girl that No one liked.

tori (Trinity's pov)

I walked into the janitors closet and knew Cole would follow and Cindy would ease drop. I quickly wrote a note to Cole for him to read once he came in.

Cole start moaning loudly... I want to annoy Cindy for bring so rude this morning and she needs a taste of her own medicine.

Cole walked in and read my note. I could see Cindy's shadow through under the door...there was another shadow but I was sure it was just one of her friends.

he started moaning and after the first one I heard a weird noise from behind the door...it was like a growl.

"I wanted to make things more interesting and started moaning with cole to make Cindy mad.

but I was cut off short when the door flew open and there stood that growling alpha kid. and Cindy was next to him and looked so fake with all innocent eyes.

"A-Alpha "Cole stuttered

"is that your actual name...It's really unique if it is." I burst out

I wanted to seem friendly though and gave him a great toothy smile.

all the other people in the room let out gasps and I was wondering why until I smelt the blood in the air...it smelt a lot like my blood.

I looked down and noticed a knife in my side from where Cole has just stabbed me.

I took it out not feeling and pain... "What was that for."

"I knew you were different... why didn't you tell us What you were"

"I'm human like you guys"

"No ur not u blood sucking demon" I didn't know What he was talking about bit those words affected me so much that I balled my fists and punched Cole straight in the face.

I ran out of the room and straight out the front of the school.

I ran into a Forrest to thing about everything... I saw a pretty high looking tree the looked good to climb.

I reached the top and fell asleep instantly

"Trinity!!! " someone was screaming my name and woke me up.

I looked down and saw the Alpha kid and Cole searching for me.

time to be sneaky and figure out What there hiding from me.

I crawled for the tree and followed them to What seemed like forever until the froze in there place and kept glancing around while sniffing the air...maybe It's allergies.

I kept moving and they kept moving until I stepped on a branch

Cole turned into a huge dog in a blink of an eye and pounced on me. he bit into my shoulder and I screamed bit it didn't hurt... I think I was just shocked .

once he opened  his dog eyes he stopped and jumped off of me looking scared that he hurt me.

I grabbed my shoulder and was so much black blood that I think I'm gonna faint.

I fell to the ground with a thump and let sleep take over me.

I woke up in my bed at home and the lights were turned low with at least 5 people in my room.

I turned on the lamp next to my head and recognized each and every one of them. in my room sat a sleeping Cole, Alpha, dad,Cindy, and my mother.

they were all sleeping and I was really hungry so I got out of bed as silently as I could and went to the fridge to grab a few blood bags.

I drank them in piece until I heard a bunch of breaking things from upstairs.

I ran up and saw everyone looking around. they spotted me and I heard growling from everyone but my parents.

why does everyone growl

remembering the things that went on earlier I looked at my shoulder and was happy to know it was healed .

Cole had a guilty look in his eyes and I knew he was sorry for doing it...bit how did he turn into a dog

"Cole.... how did you do that in the woods "

"do What? "he said with eyes that showed he knew What uneasy talking about.

"don't play dumb with me..

and why did you call me a blood sucking demon... well I know I like blood and all but why the demon part?"

it was my parents turn to growl but not at me... at Cole

this should get interesting...

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