Chapter 1

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My name is Amanda. I'm a sweet, innocent girl who lived all her life without drama being stuck up my ass. It's my senior year at Northwest High School and time to say goodbye to this whole drama thing. Only one person has really been there for me through everything.. my best friend Michelle. Michelle is a year younger then me which makes her a junior. We have been friends for as long as I can remember and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I have long brown wavy hair, blue eyes, and a slightly tan skin tone. I am 5'5. I like to sing, dance, and draw. I have good grades and I guess you could say I'm kind of a goody-two shoes.

My best friend Michelle has long black hair, brown eyes, and a slightly darker skin tone. She's more of a bad ass then me though.

Well enough about us.

So now we couldn't have a stereotypical school without a mean girl, could we?

Ashley. The most popular girl at Northwest. She has long blonde hair, green eyes, a perfect tan, and the perfect body.

She's never alone with all her bitchy decisions and rude comments though. Every mean girl needs her minions.

Amy. She has short black hair, hazel eyes, and a slightly lighter tan then Ashley. Always be ready to endure thousands of her rude remarks.

Then there's Brittany. She has light brown hair that's barely wavey, blue eyes, and is constantly on her phone.

If you seen them in person you would probably think they look nice. I should add that looks can be deceiving.

The bad boy. Every school has them right? Well the bad boy at my school is Christopher Walker. What would this school be without the typical shallow popular guy?

Christopher has jet black hair, dark brown eyes, an amazing tan, and he always smells good. He's kind of a dick though.

Christopher has a best friend. Louis. He has black hair, dark grey eyes, and a super tan skin tone. He's nicer then Christopher, but still a dick.

"Welcome to your senior year" Michelle says to me as everyone is standing outside the school. "How does it feel to be a senior?"

"I can't wait to get out of this hell hole and last but not least.. this town."

"Right back at ya! I can't explain how much I look forward to getting out of here! This might be the most tragic school yet." Michelle says this with a sad look on her face and looks down at the ground.

"Chin up kid. You only have two years left. Just get through this year and the next and you'll be fine."

"You just have to rub it in my face!"

The bell to go to class rang throughout the school.

"You know I love you, but I don't want to be late to class on my first day. I have Mrs.Lymen and I definitely don't want to be late to her class!"

"Why not? Mrs.Lymen is such a peach."

"That's cause you're a teacher's pet, Michelle. Anyway, I'll see you at lunch, right?"

"Really? I don't think I'm cool enough to sit with a senior."

"You'll always be cool enough to sit with me."

"I'll see you then! Hope you have a good time in class."

We finally parted our ways and she went to her class and I went to mine.

Once I reached my class I stopped for a couple of seconds to really think to myself if I was ready to do this.

Senior year here I come.

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