And Our Winner is!

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   "And our winner is...."


  Hold on... Let me back up so you know how it exactly started.

"Naeya! You're back home!" Shouted my loud older sister as I walk through the door.

  "Yeah, I'm back from school, but why are you here?" I ask since I thought she will be out of town.

  "I came to see you, little sister of mines." My sister told me as she then playfully sound hurt. "What? you're not happy to see me?" I sigh and shook my head.

  "No, it's nice to see you Cassie."

  My sister beamed at me in delight. "Good! Because I thought we might spend sometime together."

  "Like what?"

  "How about I do you're makeup and hair?"

  "What? No!"

  Did she just came here to just give me a make over? I don't even wear makeup and I really don't like it.

  "Why not?!" My sister whined. For a twenty-four year old she can act like she's four.

  "Because. I'm not a child anymore." I told her as I put my books down that I got from school.





  "... I'll buy you brownies..."

  "... Fine..."

  Ugh! I hate that she knows my weakness! I have a strong love for brownies! It if it was possible I will marry one... But I don't think I should say that last part to people...

  My sister smiles brightly grabbing her bag and pull me to my room. Once we got there she made me sit in a chair as she sat in a chair in front of me facing me. She put her bag on the small table next to us, opening up revealing a lot of make up.

  ... Then thirty minutes have pass which seem like forever and Cassie was all done.

  "There!" Cassie put a mirror in from of my face. I grab the mirror and look at myself stunned.

  "Yep! I know you can't say anything because I did a wonderful job!" Cassie praise herself. Gosh, she's so cocky. "Ya know, you should really get eye contacts so you don't have to wear your glasses. You look really good without you glasses and I hardly didn't have to do anything to you face."

  I look up at her. "Hm..." I wonder if she is right. No.... I'm just a potato. I don't even like taking pictures. If there's a website that I have to set a profile pic I sit it as a potato because I pretty sure I'm a descendant from a potato.

  I was do distracted by my thought and I got out of it once I heard a camera as shutter and flash.... Did she just took a photo of me?!

  "Ah! You look so pretty Naeya!" She squealed.

  "No! Delete it!"


  "Because I don't want my picture taken!"

  "... I'm not deleting it."


  "Let me keep it and I'll buy you even more brownies."

  ".... Fine just don't show it to anybody."

  Ugh! Again with my weakness! Later on I did get my brownies and I was spending time with my sister. Cassie is always out of town so we hardly see each other. Her with work and me with school.

  "So... Naeya... Do you have a boyfriend?"

  I nearly choked on my brownie and the makeup was off my face.

  "I'm sorry what did you say?"

  Cassie smirk and repeat herself, "Do you have a boyfriend? You're eighteen you should have a boyfriend by now."

  "No, I don't have a boyfriend."

  "What? You didn't even have a boyfriend the last time I came to visit."

  "Yeah and?" I snapped while focusing on my eating my brownie. "Why do family members always ask me that when they see me?"

  My sister only laugh at me. "Calm down, I'm just teasing. So, mom and dad still out on business?"

  "Yeah, pretty much."

  "So can I stay at your place? I have some business to so in town."

  "Yeah. Sure."

  "Thanks little sis!" Cassie hugged me and I hugged back.

  If only if I knew what was coming back then... Since the next day was Saturday I sat in the living room watch TV until.

  "Ohmigosh! Naeya! Give me the remote. " Shouted my even super louder sister as she ran into the living room.

  "What? No. I'm watching this." I told her but she just snatch the remote from me not nothing to argue with me this time. "Hey!" I shouted but she ignore me and turn the channel to some fashion channel with a lady with a microphone.

  "We're going to announce our new model from the Glamour Girl raffle!" Said the lady with the mic on TV.

  "Cassie what is this?" I ask but she shush me and pay attention to the TV as the lady continued.

"Here is the winner! This lucky girl will be the new model of Totally Chic!"

  I look over to Cassie to see her barely in her seat from how excited she is. Did she participated in it?

  "And our winner is...."


Stop and Pose {Hunter x Hunter Fanfiction} {Modern AU}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя