5 Months Later

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Nicki had just reached her 7th month of pregnancy. She couldn't be more happy to meet her baby, but something was missing. something she wanted. over the months nicki thought about drake & how much she loved him. but they've caused a lot of hurt between eachother, so she decided to let him go, the way he wanted.

Nicki had a doctors appointment to find out what she was having, since this was one of the most important ultrasounds she would have she decided to text drake and ask if he wanted to come. Nicki and drake haven't really been speaking these pass few months, but Nicki thought this was worth it

Drakes POV:

I was chilling at my cousin Ryan's house, wrapping up a few things dealing with OVO. Then I get a text from Nicki and I'm super shocked

Plain Old Nicki- hey. how are you. I hope good. just wondering if you wanted to go to my ultrasound today at 3

Me: I've been better. You?

Plain Old Nicki: I'm good, trying to carry around this big ole' belly of mine.

Me: lol don't fall

Plain Old Nicki: I'll be sure not to. Now about the ultrasound. are u comin

Me: Idk if that's a good idea nic

Plain Old Nicki: why not. We're adults... we can be cordial with eachother

Me: that's not it. it's the way I feel about being around you

Plain Old Nicki: ok whatever drake. See u when I see you 💔

Me: 💔😒

That conversation was over.

Ryan: you ok

Ryan could tell something was wrong by the way he was looking down at his phone.

Drake: yea

Ryan: come on man, you know I know you better than that

Drake sighed

Drake: Nicki wants me to go to her ultrasound with her today.

Ryan: then go

Drake: you know I can't go with her

Ryan: yo this girl is obviously still in love with you. If she wasn't do u think she'll be asking you to go to ultrasound appointments for "a baby that isn't yours". Do you think she's asking Safaree to go to these appointments

Drake: yea, you right

Ryan: what did my aunt always tell us growing up

He was referring to drakes mom

Ryan: "if a woman cries

Drake joins him

Ryan&Drake: over you, then you have her heart

Ryan: right right, so why aren't u giving her another chance? How many times has Nebby lied to you & you still took her back?!

Drake just sat there contemplating.

Ryan: they got this test that basically let's you get the baby's DNA & test it with yours to let you know if the baby is yours before the delivery.

Drake: you think nicki will do it?

Ryan: if she loves you, she'll prove anything that that's your baby she's carrying.

Drake: alright.

Drake stood up to dap up Ryan

Drake: imma see if I can still make it to her appointment.

Drake said his goodbyes & off he went in his black Bugatti, to make it to her appointment.

POV over.

When drake pulled up to the doctors he was looking around for a parking space & coincidently saw Nicki getting out of her car. So he parks next to her. He gets out the car & walks towards Nicki's car

Nicki is struggling to get out considering she's not only holding up her weight, but the weight of the baby.

Nicki: I thought u said u weren't coming

Drake: that's what was planned

Drake had to admit, nicki looked great to be a 7 month pregnant woman. She had on some black leggings, some white, red & black Jordan's, and a red pullover hoodie. Drake had on some black pants with a black shirt & white jordans.

Drake: you ready

Instead of saying anything, nicki just waddled. Of course the paparazzi was crazy





All they could do was smile & ignore them. They finally made it into the doctors office.

Doctor: so Onika you're here to find out the sex of your baby?

Nicki was smiling from ear to ear

Nicki: yes I am.

The doctor put the jelly on her stomach & started moving the wand around.

Doctor: ok we have the gender

Nicki: ok, what is it

Doctor: looks like we're having another one of you Ms.Maraj. It's a girl!

Nicki was over excited

Nicki: Oh my god. Really?!!!

Doctor: congrats

The doctor took his gloves off and turned the lights back on

Doctor: I'll be right back with your ultrasound pictures

The doctor left.

Drake: congratulations nic

Nicki looks up at drake

Nicki: can u give me some paper towel

She wipes the jelly off & pulls down her shirt and gets off of the doctors bed.

There was an awkward silence

Drake: so umm Ryan was telling me about this test you can take to know if the baby is mines

Nicki : no.

Drake: what

Nicki: listen aubrey. I've been telling you for months that this is your baby. if u need a test to prove to u that this is your baby I'm carrying, then u clearly still have your doubts.

Drake: if u want me to be in your life right now, you would go through with this test.

Nicki: that's the thing. what if I don't want you in my life

Drake was taken aback

Drake: excuse me

Nicki: I've been literally begging and pleading for u to come back & right now im tired, I'm tired of trying to prove to you that what I did was a mistake. But u let your own pride get in the way of that.

Drake: so what are you saying

Nicki: when my baby gets here we can do a DNA test then. but right now I don't need you. Do I want you? I would love to. But u know it's not the right time.

The doctor came back in & gave Nicki her pictures

Doctor: ok Onika I'll see you in about 3 weeks for your last appointment until it's time for that baby to come

Nicki: haha ok. Thank you

Nicki & drake makes their way to their cars.

Drake: I'll talk to you later?

Nicki: no, I'm good.

She says getting in her car & driving off

Is it too late for drake?

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