When Eric got a little bit squiffy

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"You're squiffy", dinky heard a female voice shout.
"I am not", replied a male.
"I think you are mate", said dinky emerging from the darkness and cutting into the conversation. He was in the world of an inspector calls and Eric and Sheila were currently having an argument. How did he get here.. I don't know, but it was all part of the adventure.
"What does everyone have against me!", exclaimed Eric.
"Nothing your just squiffy and that's ok", said dinky looking into the distant.
"How poetic", said Sheila.
"I know", said dinky.
"Anyway, I must go, I need to get back home". Said dinky walking towards the door.
"Wait!", said Eric before dinky could leave. Dinky turned around to see Eric holding up a lunch box.
"Some snacks for your travels, no homo", Eric says.
Dinky took the bag with a smile on his face and then bid the Birlings a goodbye. Then he ran, leaped and flew up into the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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