Lost in LA

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Ethan's POV :

       So Maria and Clara are our new roommates. First when Dylan told me that he had found new roommates for us, I didn't expect girls, even less his sister and her best friend. I really like them ; they're sarcastic and goofy. Furthermore they don't seem to be like other girls. They appear more mature (well that depends on the situation) and they don't try to be like everybody else. They have their own style, personality and don't hide it. Dylan told us right : they're a really funny duo. And, ok, I won't lie, I'm starting to like Maria. I told gray but I hope he doesn't tell Clara because he might like her too. Maria is really funny and beautiful you even have no idea. And I'm not just talking about how she looks (with her gorgeous curly brown hair, bright brown eyes that her cute glasses cover a little and a smile that I'll never get over for sure) but also the way she is and her personality I haven't known them for long but I hope this is a good year. I don't know how to say it, but Maria is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I hope i didn't make a mistake realizing that. I also hope I'm not to shy around her I just don't want to make it look like I get nervous in front of her. She's so amazing I wouldn't know what to do if I screwed anything up between us.

Grayson's POV :

         When Me and E met our new roommates I was kinda shocked but happy at the same time I wasn't expecting it to be girls or something , they seem really nice , funny and there goofy just like me and my bro. When we took Clara and Maria out for some pizza I couldn't stop starting at Clara she's amazing. Honestly with her beautiful blonde hair and her eyes, I love her eyes they're a mix of green and brown and it looks perfect on her. And the way she laughs and smiles it makes me smile. It might sound crazy when I say this but I feel comfortable around her we've known each other for a couple of hours I hope I don't screw things up I don't want to look dumb in front of her , Maybe do I like her .When me and E got to know the girls a little bit better we were shocked that they didn't know we were big you-tubers but I guess that's a good thing because some girls only like us because me and Ethan are "hot" and because of our money. But Clara didn't seem to care about that she's always just looking to have a good time. and every time I said a word it was like I was just talking to her and only her. I can't wait to have her and Maria in a few of our videos or help us record but it might be a bad idea...because what if I can't keep my eyes off of Clara..I feel like this is gonna be a good year.

Maria's POV :

       So right now the twins were giving me and Clara an 'LA tour'. We were walking down the beautiful streets of LA which are lit up because it's already 11pm. This is so amazing, I would never have though that one day I'll be here with my BFF and two funny and handsome boys. The only problem was the crowd. I know that Clara suffers from agoraphobia. But for the moment, everything seems to be ok. Grayson and Clara were walking behind me and Ethan. Casually talking about something dumb because they both were laughing and it was pretty loud..It's like E and I didn't exist. But I'm glad to see her this happy and comfortable. Despite the crowded place, she looks relaxed. I think it was because of Gray... Well I cannot say the same... Ethan must be shyer than his brother because our conversation right now is the same as when we were sitting on the couch few hours ago. I don't know why he seems so nervous he was acting like as if he had a crush on me but I didn't think about that because it wouldn't be possible I mean look at me who likes me? An awkward silence stands between us, muffled by the hustle sound of the crowd. I try to revive the talk by saying "So... where are you from ?" as we're walking. "New Jersey. My mom, dad, and sister live here. We go visit them sometimes. What about you?" he asks, smiling. OMG. His smile. "Well I'm from Colombia but I practically grew up in New York with my family" I say smiling back. And then the conversation starts again. We talk mainly about our family, our friends, our hobbies...weird I pause my thoughts I have the feeling that he's trying to change the subject when we're talking about friends... So I didn't force him to talk about it and I asked : "So what are our or your plans for tomorrow ?". "Oh Gray and I were wondering if...you would like to go to the skating rink with us ?" he asks with an interrogated look "Of course we would ! That would be so much fun!" I exclaim "Do you guys know how to ice skate?" he asks as his face lights up. "Yes I love it ! Clara does too even though she's REALLY bad at it" I say as we both laugh. "How bad ?" he asks. "Well um she always says that there is no difference between her and a cow that was just born when she's on the ice." I answer as we both laugh out loud. "Omg she's such a goof" he says giggling along with "So is gray. If you know what I mean." He says while winking at me. Here I am reassured. And Omg he winked at me. "Yay ! I honestly ship them together" I add, winking back. He smiles at me. Again. But it really doesn't bother me anymore I could watch him smiling all day. We are almost at the appartement when he says "Well I think they don't need our help. They stayed together during the whole tour." "True" I say giggling. "By the way where are they ?" I ask while turning around. There aren't as many people as when we started the tour. Ethan and I looked around but didn't find Clara and gray , despite the almost empty street as we kept walking Ethan got closer to me and my heart was beating faster , both of our hands were next to each other I felt like holding his hand but that was a little extra haha "So I guess we lost our precious little beans" he says interrupting my thoughts and as we both laugh.

Clara's POV :

Gray and I were walking behind Ethan and Maria for the 'LA tour'. At first, Gray starts to presents the city but then, our conversation completely changes subject as he sees an ice cream shop. "So over there you can see the ice rink and OMG there's an ice cream shop" he exclaims as stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. I smile and ask "You wanna get ice cream ?" Then there's this awkward moment when he stares at me a little too long. He smiles and says "Yeah of course! But do you like ice cream ? I mean if you don't like we can just continue our way." he says with a concerned look on his face. "What a stupid question ! Who doesn't like ice cream ? Let's get it !" I say. He smiles at me grabbed my hand and says (well exclaims) "Oh I already love you !" I can't help but feeling the butterflies in my belly and blushing. "You need to calm down he doesn't mean THAT. " I say to myself. Oh God I'm starting to have a crush on him. Great. I hate crushes for the only reason that they'll never like you back. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean that ... I ... Err ... But i still like you well um.... let's get the ice cream." he says mumbling and blushing looking pretty awkward. Omg he's so cute. Well maybe I won't hate THAT crush.... Now we were still walking in the beautiful streets of LA but the thing is that we couldn't see E and Maria. "Where are they ?" I ask while looking for them in the crowed streets and eating my ice cream (yeah very dangerous). "I don't know. But don't worry, it's not like they're in bad company. E has had a crush on her since the first second he saw her" he says with a smirk. I giggle and say "True" "Oh and don't tell Ethan please or else he'll kill me" he adds with a fake worried look on his face "Don't worry, it'll be our little secret" I say as I wink at him. We both laugh. Then we talk about everything and nothing. "Did Dylan really say that to you guys ? Omg this is so embarrassing !" I say while cringing. Suddenly, someone hit my shoulder (not on purpose) and made my ice cream fall down on the ground. Gray laughs out loud while trying to say "Was it as embarrassing as this" as he points at the ice cream. But he was laughing so hard that he couldn't help but drop his ice cream too. "You were saying ?" I say in a challenging voice as we both laugh out loud. " ah man " gray says in a upset voice. "Don't worry they'll be many more times where we can enjoy ice cream together." I say and he winks at me back " true " .

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