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Ian rolled onto his side, his eyebrows scrunched together as he bared his teeth, his breathing deep pants and his face coated with sweat.

"How could anyone ever love you?"

Ian grunted, pressing his face into his pillows as tears leaked from his closed eyes.

That voice.

It was one he hasn't heard in years, one he only had when he had nightmares.

"How could I ever love a faggot?"

He could feel the echoes of the pain his father inflicted on him when he was smaller, feel the older man's fists against his face though he wasn't there in person.

"Wake up motherfucker! No one loves you. You're just a stupid ginger joke."

Ian whimpered, more tears leaking out, snaking down his cheeks and staining his pillow as he hugged his arms around himself.

"How could you be so stupid?"

That voice... It was one he loved, but it was different. Darker.

"Sure, I'm not popular, but at least I have standards."

It wasn't the Stiles he adored.

"Ginger joke."

The words echoed in his mind until morning, each time a new voice, a voice of someone he loved.

IanTheGay: Do I have to go to school today? ActuallyStrawberryBlondePosted Monday 6:29 amLikes: 64Comments:

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IanTheGay: Do I have to go to school today? ActuallyStrawberryBlonde
Posted Monday 6:29 am
Likes: 64


ActuallyStrawberryBlonde: Yes, Ian. YOU ARE GOING TO SCHOOL.

IanTheGay: Ugh. Fine. ActuallyStrawberryBlonde

DannyTheGay: So you're going to come? Like definitely?

IanTheGay: Yeah DannyTheGay

IanTheGay: does anyone really love anyone? does the subconscious merely create this emotion to fool with us? to tool with our minds?Posted Monday 7:45 pmComments DisabledLikes: 217

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IanTheGay: does anyone really love anyone? does the subconscious merely create this emotion to fool with us? to tool with our minds?
Posted Monday 7:45 pm
Comments Disabled
Likes: 217

Ian looked back at his house with glossed eyes and a trembling bottom lip.

"I love you even if you don't love me."

He whispered, his mind echoing the cruel and twisted words of his dreams.

And the worst part was that he believed them.

Rewritten: 3-26-17
Edited: TBA

Tbh, short and crappy, but still needed srry

Deticated to nadia_hirbit205 and religiouslygay for their really kind comments on the note before this chapter. Those really did help me feel a lot better about continuing on with this story. Thank you guys! ^-^

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