Part 3

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London, England. June 1961

London was only about a two-hour drive from Southampton, but Clara felt like she had been in the car for days. She had nothing to do but stare out the window at the passing villages and towns. All of her books were tightly packed away in the back of the van.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Clara could see the massive skyline of London in the distance. She grinned and pressed her face to the window as they got closer, trying to get a better look.

The last stretch of the drive flashed by like lightning, and before Clara knew it, they were driving right through the center of the madness that was London. Big Ben towered over them, and in the distance she caught a glimpse of Buckingham Palace. All of it was amazing.

            Clara's dad drove out of the center of the city and through the countless streets surrounding it. They turned down a narrow road lined with old-looking houses, and the van finally rattled to a stop in front of one. Clara eagerly climbed out of the car and stood on the street, looking up at yet another temporary home. 

            The house was tall and narrow, with many obscure angles. The white paint on the outside was stained and chipped. Clara noticed how close the house was to its neighbors, and the lack of a significant front yard. A tiny patch of green grass served as the closest thing Clara had seen of a yard in over a year. This was the first time since leaving home that they hadn't stayed in a flat.

            Clara helped her parents unload the van, then disappeared to claim herself a bedroom. She found the perfect room toward the back of the house. It was small and cozy, but big enough for her to live in. Clara began unpacking her belongings, and in less than an hour the room had become completely hers. All the photos from the places she'd been hung on the wall next to her bed, and all her books and sketchbooks lined the small bookshelf next to the window. Proudly looking around her new room, Clara grabbed a half-full sketchbook off her shelf and settled down on her bed with the book and a pencil. She always drew a rough sketch of her room wherever they went so she wouldn't forget all the places she'd been.

            A little while later her mom entered her room. "Clara? Hi! Enjoying your room, I see."

            Clara looked up and smiled. "Yes, I am! I actually sort of like it here."

            "Good!" Her mom held out a tray. "Your father made cookies the second I released him from unpacking duty. Take one, they're actually pretty good."

            Clara gladly took a cookie. "Thanks!"

            "Why don't you go check out the neighborhood?" Mrs. Oswald suggested. "Maybe there's some kids your age around here that you could play with."

            Clara shrugged. "What's the use? We're only going to be leaving again. I don't want to become too attached to anyone."

            Mrs. Oswald sat down on the bed next to Clara. "Remember that we're going to be here longer than usual, Clara. We're not leaving until September. You've got nearly 4 months here. You shouldn't spend them alone."

            Clara nodded. "I guess you're right." She finished the last bit of her cookie, then hugged her mom. "I'll go see what I can find."

            "Make it into an adventure," Mrs. Oswald said. "Come on, stand up."

            Clara did so, looking at her mother expectantly.

            "Clara Oswald, as Chief Commander of London Exploration, I send you forth to explore this new world and discover great things!"

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