Chapter 9: A Little Carried Away

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Sherlock was frozen in place, staring in distress at Molly who sat in the tepid bath water.. How did their tormentor know the exact words that Sherlock had used at John and Mary's wedding? Obviously, they had been under surveillance for a long time. Months at least. Maybe ever since Sherlock reappeared in the world of the living. That was a terrifying thought.

They sat in silence, each lost in their thoughts, until Molly began to shiver in the cold bath. Sherlock roused himself from his contemplations and stood, reaching for a towel which he held out for Molly. She looked at him askance but he averted his eyes, so she stood, letting him wrap her in the fluffy white towel.

To her surprise, he pulled her close, enveloping her in a crushing hug. Molly's arms were trapped and her face was pressed into Sherlock's chest as he held her. Sherlock pulled away a little, to look down into Molly's face and reassure her that he could handle whatever their enemy could throw at them. Gazing into her eyes though, all cognitive ability fled and he suddenly crushed his lips to hers.

She let out a strangled squeal and went perfectly still. His tongue swept over her lower lip, seeking entrance and she opened for him after a beat, reciprocating the intoxicating kiss. He kissed her desperately, frantically, not stopping until necessity forced him to pull back.

Her eyes were closed, lips swollen and red, and she was panting softly. He could hear Mycroft in his head, saying in that infuriatingly calm voice, that caring was not an advantage but he pushed it away and forced himself to focus on Molly. He ran his index finger over one cheek and down to her chin, gripping it with the thumb and index finger to tilt her head up further. Her eyes opened and he was taken aback by the fire he saw there.

His breath caught and he lost himself in her gaze for a moment. Just as he made up his mind to continue, her cell phone rang startling them both. The ringtone was one that Sherlock hadn't heard before and he gave Molly a quizzical glance which made her bite her lip and look guiltily away.

Ah, coffee guy.

"What is his name anyway?"

She cocked her head to the side and studied him before answering. "Daniel."

He didn't answer and, as was her habit when he made her nervous, she began to babble. "He's really nice. We went to the café I like and had hot chocolate and talked about books and cats, he likes cats, and he isn't grossed out by my job, he's a surgeon and--"

Sherlock put a finger over her lips, shushing her.

"I know I'm not very versed in this matter, but I'm pretty sure than talking about another man when one is trying to kiss you, is not good."

Molly blushed prettily, the pink traveling down her neck and chest, and Sherlock found himself wanting to see how far it went. This wasn't the time for that though. He pressed a chaste kiss to her lips and stepped back, letting her go.

"Besides, doesn't it bother him that you live with a single man who is unrelated to you and close in age who knows you better than just about anyone else?"

She looked away again. "Well, he, uh, he said that he doesn't really consider you a threat."

"What? Of course I'm a threat, how stupid could he be?"

Molly's head snapped up at that, one eyebrow raised and he quickly looked away, feeling exposed.

"I mean, I could be. If, if I wanted to that is."

He cleared his throat and wiped his sweaty palms on his trouser legs.

"Yeah ok, I'm going to go and let you get dressed. We need to go to see Mycroft and discuss our next move now that we have an idea what is going to happen."

Molly groaned. "Sherlock, I have to work tomorrow, can't you go? I need to sleep."

He raised a brow at her but she stood firm.

"Alright, I'll tell him to come here. Might be better anyway, then his people can help search the flat for bugs." And remove his own, Sherlock thought.

Molly nodded and Sherlock retreated downstairs to call his brother.


Not long after Molly dressed and appeared downstairs, there was the sound of footsteps and Mycroft appeared in the room. Molly, who by now could charm the pants off of him (though Mycroft didn't show it, Sherlock knew,) headed into the kitchen to fix a tray of tea and biscuits while the brothers talked strategy. As they spoke, some of Mycroft's agents, two men and one woman, went through the whole of the flat, removing tiny cameras and microphones. Another man busied himself implanting undetectable tracking chips in both Sherlock and Molly's phones. Mycroft lowered his voice so only Sherlock could hear.

"I do hope, dear brother, that your head is fully in the game."

Sherlock gave him a stare and snapped, "You know it is. I am always focused."

Mycroft sat back in his chair, the smug expression on his face saying everything for him. "You might want to stop kissing Doctor Hooper then."

Sherlock narrowed his eyes."Leave her out of this."

"I highly doubt she will be left out of this, Sherlock."

With a sigh, Sherlock ran his hands through his hair."I know, I know. Up her security level, would you?"

Mycroft nodded and gave Molly a tiny smile as she entered with the tray. He immediately grabbed up a biscuit, and Sherlock grinned. Some things never change.

Molly headed up the stairs to bed and Sherlock caught himself watching her leave. He caught Mycroft's smirk and gave him an evil glare.

"So, is that all?"

"Yes, all we can do now is wait to see what game your friend comes up with for you."

Sherlock nodded tersely and Mycroft stood, motioning to his agents to exit. He snatched another biscuit off the tray and left after them. Sherlock watched him go then stood, heading to his bedroom. It had been about three days since the last time he slept so he decided now was as good a time as any.

 He showered quickly and climbed into bed, the sheets cool against his flushed skin. His thoughts strayed to Molly, remembering the taste of her lips and the feel of her body pressed to his. He found himself envisioning what might have happened if her phone had not interrupted them and abruptly, he was hard and wanting. He rolled his eyes at his body and turned over; delving into his mind palace and digging up the most boring thing he could find to chase away the arousal.

Eventually, he fell asleep.

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