Going Out!

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Bella's Pov...
Ummm...I'm thinking to go to the furniture store to buy some furniture(Umm Dhu!) because I will decorate my new room...you know because Alissa has been kicked out 😔- I said with a very sad voice,aww don't worry Princess very one in this house miss her even Jake even if he doesn't show it deep inside he already miss her,because I know that he has a feelings for Alissa and Alissa has a feelings for Jake,but you know personal stuff he replied,Ok so.. You want to come with me? I asked him...Yes princess I would love to just let me change for a sec..he said heading towards his closet,I was seating in his bed not paying attention to Lucas I was just looking at my phone until he removed his t-shirt and shorts...he was shirt less and almost naked my jaw dropped when I see his perfect body,I can feel that he is starring at me so I looked away and blush,Aww princess don't be shy you will be used to it!he said with a teasing voice,ok so are you ready? He asked me with a very cheerful voices...yeah I reply,before stepping out of the room I noticed that we have well close enough clothes it's like couple clothes (weird right 😏 it's on the top👆🏻)Ummm Lucas! Yes Princess? He reply don't you think we are twinning?i asked with a little laugh,AYE  yes we are! He Said with a happy voice,so we are going down stairs and guess what?mthey are all in the living room watching Netflix! Yow Lucas already couple? Jake said laughing😂 Oh shut up Jake they are so cute! Tessa said😘 aww thanks guys but we are not😏it's not planned trust me😁Lucas said, Ohh you guys Lucas will just come with me to the furniture shop do you want to go? Ummm Nahh we good the squad said! Ok so it's 12:00 in the afternoon Lucas and I drive to the shop but Lucas want to go at the grocery shop first so...we go at the grocery shop,Princess I will just buy food for the squad because Marcus texted me- Lucas said,ok Lucas that's so sweet of you😊!i said kissing his cheek😘,at the middle of our grocery shopping Lucas jam came so he dance and it's my jam to so we both dance at the frozen Ieal❄️,we just dance like we don't care while I'm dancing with Lucas I got this feeling that I can't explain,it's like the feeling that you are very important to him and freedom I love the feeling when we danced together we finished are dancing and we have a moment we just stare at each other it's like the whole world is in slow motion all of my thoughts break by the people clapping and cheering,Lucas hug me while jumping at I hug back while laughing❤️,after that we headed to the furniture shop pick this that yada yada yada,after 4 hours we decided to go home because I'm so tired,at the car ride I sleep because it's 30 minutes ride I can hear Lucas waking me up but I ignore him and go back to sleep!

Sorry for late upload ,it's because of school it's exam week
Love you my pandas🐼

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