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          Cameron Monaghan walked towards his couch with a bowl of popcorn in his hands; as every Saturday he would sit down in front of the television to watch the British show Graham Norton where he would often see celebrities he admired and fortunately get a few laughs; the ginger knew that only the popular celebrities would get to be part of the show.

          He turned on the television and put it on the BBC channel. It was just about to begin but the ginger didn't know who was going to be the guest, hopefully, it would be someone he knew about, and maybe he had seen the TV show, movie, singer or any kind of artist before.

         "On tonight's show... let me tell you, we will have my favorite two villains of all time."

         Cameron saw him present through the TV, it made him more interested due to the fact that the guests were going to be people that play villains.

          "Thank you very much" Graham said as the audience applauded "I'm very excited to present two fantastic actors that play with such elegance the most amazing villains. Stars from the popular TV Show Sherlock and both play Hella and James Moriarty, the best criminals masterminds of the world" he then shouted at the end "Welcome to Emily Jefferson and Andrew Scott."

          Everyone started to shout and clap excitedly; Cameron watched interested, he had heard of the show before but he had never got the chance to watch it so he didn't know the actors... but his eyes widened when he saw a stunning brown haired girl walk in with a young man behind her, both had huge smiles, they were clearly happy to be there. The girl, who Cameron noticed instantly, looked close or probably was the same age as him; he saw her hug Graham then the man did the same.

          "Go on sit down" Graham told them moving his hands "You two make yourselves very cozy."

          The girl, Emily, and the man, Andrew, laughed and sit down closely "Like this?" Cameron noticed the girl had an American accent and saw the girl ask while she was almost on top of Andrew who was hugging her very tightly "Or should we make it cozier?"

           "If you two make it cozier, you would turn into one" Graham told them. Emily and Andrew separated a little but still they were very much close "Now, look at you two; this is the second time you have been here."

          Andrew who had an Irish accent spoke "And we love when you invite us."

          "Yes" Emily nodded happily "We are so comfortable when we are here."

          Graham blushed "Oh stop it. Let's start with the basics. Season two of Sherlock just finished... and it was amazing, I totally love it... of course I'm heartbroken by the end, not going to say any spoilers. Hella and Jim are the best; now tell us how it was filming the last episode."

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