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In the aftermath of the 48 Hour Flu, civilization as we knew it at the beginning of the 21st century has crumbled. The events of Devastation Week happened so fast that there was no way for experts to pinpoint exactly where the disease originated, making it virtually impossible to defeat.

Since the infected sometimes take up to 24 hours to show any symptoms, carriers were initially permitted to travel from city to city as they pleased. Schools and hospitals served as breeding grounds for the flu during days one through four. On day five the governments of our world had issued Martial Law in most countries. On day six the televisions and radios stopped broadcasting. On the seventh day the internet and cell phone signals went down. Not long after that, the electricity went out and the water stopped running. To this day, rumors still circulate that countries like Australia and the U.K. were able to close their borders before the infection had reached their cities, but we'll probably never know for sure.

In the months that followed Devastation Week, small pockets of civilization have formed around what was once known as The United States, started by regular people be just looking for hope, a chance at survival. Perhaps one day all of these struggling camps and colonies can be brought together to reform a strong and prosperous society worth more than just mere survival, but with no government, no order, and no communication, we'll likely never see the day.

Blood Trail: TurnOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz