Freedom {part 1}

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Lapis's POV

After what seemed like an eternity of writing and thinking the bell was about to ring.
I was at my locker and Peridot was waiting for me.
"Thank goddess school is over for today!" I said happily as I stuffed books and folders into my backpack. Peridot looked discouraged.
"We didn't even learn anything new in the engineering class I took, what even was the point?!" Peridot said. I rolled my eyes.

Suddenly the bell rang and I bolted straight to the exit.
"Hey wait for me! LAPIS!!!" I could hear Peridot yell, but I was too happy to wait.

I ran outside and was hit with the fresh air. I took a deep breathe and smiled.

Peridot POV

"HEY LAPIS WAIT UP!!!" I yelled as I chased after her, but it was no use. I was really small and was crushed by the hundreds of freedom-craving monsters. I fell and just accepted my fate of becoming road kill as I closed my eyes tight.

Suddenly I felt someone pick me up. A savior! They stood me up and held my hand as they ran outside with me. I was hit with the cold air and kept my eyes closed. I stood there and I was surprisingly not pushed or shoved. I waited until it was quiet.

"Who saved me?" I thought as I slowly opened my eyes-

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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