Happy ever after , but wait I'm muslim

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This a new story , a new beginning now I am stable
To life a normal live , with an extraordinary guy
Chris, My prince that I find after many frogs that I've  kissing
With him I don't need to hide myself  or feel anxious At all with him I can be myself my truth self
Love could be complicated sometimes because the person you love don't know how to be simple with you or hide lies from you , but Chris are more simple maybe that's what made us , or our relationship beautiful it been a year since I met Chris and I can said
Not everything we witnessed were magical and happy . Because life isn't Disney movies or fairytales story
Live  a series of obstacles, moment, days and few happiness clatsh . But with Chris and Have get over everything
I said happy ever after , not for gay Muslim
There no gay have happy ever after nor fairytale
It's just designed to delusion little girls to just dream about their prince who will come to save them from their misery and life  happily live. Well I don't need a white knight or prince to save me from my misery , I'm independent man
And I bet all girls grown to being independent women too and They've find out their no prince and they don't need one.
Well with Chris I didn't care about my happy ever after
Because with him I found endless happiness
Ever day even if that day wasn't that good ad perfect I immediately imagined it as the perfect day
It could be love influence or love chemistry
I don't care but I want to have this feeling for ever
As long as I could
I don't won't a happy ever after cause isn't for Muslim gays and especially not for me
And I don't believe in fairytales
But I want endless happiness and I want Chris
Cause this what happiness mean to me
I want be able to hug him and lay to his chest
Cause since I met I start believing in love and being faithful in relationship
Chris I think I've found you my soulmate
And this how realistic happy ever after , look like and should be.

And this what I wished for from the beginning
But still I have a lot to face and many years to prove that my homosexuality were a natural selection not abnormal syndrome
I may climbed a mountain but I need to get down and climb many others to prove my points
Holding his hands and kissing him is a victory
But still many battles I needed to fight in to win the war.

The end

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