Very. Very. Much <3

106 15 18

~ Sam joined the chat ~
~ Jared joined the chat ~
~ Dean joined the chat ~
~ Jensen joined the chat ~
~ Cas joined the chat ~
~ Misha joined the chat ~

Sam- Hmm...

Jared- Is someone playing a prank on us or something?

Jensen- It's probably one of the fans lol

Misha- So cuuutte aww

Dean- Jensen? Jared? Misha?

Sam- They sound familiar...

Cas- They are you from another universe remember?

Dean- Oh

Sam- My

Jared- Chuck


Jared- I felt like joining in

Misha- What are you talking about? Another universe?

Jensen- Is this real?

Cas- Yes

Misha- So I'm talking to my character?

Cas- Yes


Jared- Can I just say we totally respect you and that we are just doing our jobs by playing as your characters

Misha- Yeah the fans love you

Cas- And you

Jensen- Well yeah. I mean who wouldn't love this?

Sam- Haha Dean he has your personality too

Dean- Shut your face

Cas- Hmm

Misha- What's wrong?

Cas- How is this even possible?

Dean- You're right. This is impossible

Jared- Is anything impossible?

Sam- I love you

Jared- I love you too <3

Jensen- Guys we have to go shoot our scenes

Misha- Oh my god you're right!

Sam- Oh no

Misha- I'm so sorry!

Dean- It was nice meeting you all

Cas- Yes it was very nice

Jensen- Hopefully we can all talk again sometime?

Jared- This has been amazing meeting you

Misha- I mean who else better to meet then the character you're playing

Misha- We love you

Jensen- Very

Jared- Very

Misha- Much <3

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