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I did the walk of shame for the third night this week, but I didn't feel ashamed by it. In fact, I felt pretty damned happy about it. If Jake had his way, I would have already moved in with him. I was trying to hold off though. I felt like we needed to keep a little space between us or we might burn out too fast. Our relationship was still relatively new and I didn't want anything to ruin it. I couldn't be happier about things the way they stood. My happiness dimmed when I got off the elevator, on the fourth floor, to find my dad sitting on a lounger in the hallway, apparently waiting for me.


He looked up, taking in my rumpled clothing. It was very clear that I currently wore yesterday's clothing and, as it was barely seven in the morning, it was also clear that I hadn't slept in my own bed. I saw all of this register with my father, who narrowed his eyes, "Where have you been?"

"Um...out?" I replied, lamely.

"What, did you turn into a slut once you got here?" He growled and it was then that I smelled the booze on his breath. Great, he was drunk.

"No, but I do have a boyfriend. He's great and treats me amazingly." I tell him, with a lift of my chin. I wasn't going to let my drunk father ruin my newfound happiness.

Dad snorted, "Of course he does, because you're obviously screwing him."

"Why are you here?" I asked, coldly.

His eyes widened, obviously not used to my sass. Thanks to my boyfriend and my new best friend, Beth, I had begun to grow a backbone. It's amazing what a good support system could do for a person. I felt some of my new bravado die a quick death, however, when dad stood and roughly grabbed my arm. "I came to visit my ungrateful daughter. You haven't called or visited since moving here. So I came to you and this is the thanks I get? I learn that my daughter has turned into a little whore and now you're back talking me?"

"Sir, please release her."

I turned to see Rebecca, the fourth floor RA. Rebecca was a senior this year and this was her second year as Resident Advisor. She stood only a few feet away, wearing a bright pink robe and bunny slippers. For some reason, I really focused on those slippers. Rebecca didn't seem like the bunny slipper type and yet, there they were.

"This is none of your business, Bitch." Dad spat and I grew red, with embarrassment.

Rebecca lifted her hands in a calming manner, "It's my business when you're manhandling her like that."

Dad snorted and jerked me around as he growled, "If you care so much for her wellbeing, then I'd like to know where you were when she started shacking up with some guy?"

"Sir, please release Kylie." Rebecca stated calmly, but her eyes appeared frantic.

"Fuck you, Bitch!" He tells her and throws me forward, releasing me. I hadn't been expecting that, so I lost my balance and my head slammed into the concrete wall before I could catch myself. Stars instantly swam behind my eyes. I heard yelling coming from several people, but I couldn't register what they were saying. I couldn't focus on anything. A lot of activity was happening around me, but my head swam, until I must have passed out.

"Kylie, Babe, please open your eyes." I heard Jake, but I didn't want to open my eyes. A vision of my dad, drunk, angry, and cursing flashed through my mind and I fought waking. Jake was persistent though and kept prodding me until I finally relented, opened my eyes, and blinked at the assaulting bright light. Jake sighed, "Oh thank God. Kylie?"

"Jake? When did you get here?" I asked.

"I arrived just behind the ambulance. Beth called Everett, who called me, to tell me what happened. I've been here ever since, praying you would wake up." Jake explained, looking tired.

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