Wierd things said in the long car drive

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And on this day, we found that this whatpadders family is truly insane!

"Stop caressing the lemonade."

"Do you think our daughter is clinically insane?" 

"Stop giggling into the lemonade"

"Mmm this tastes like tonic"
said by my little brother while drinking lemonade

"Do know what tonic tastes like? Tonic." Still my 9 year old brother

"What are we having for dinner?

God your like your sister! Shut up!"

Conversation with my mum and brother. ^^^

"Give me a non technology phone then!"

"Grandma! Grandma! Grandyma! Grandymama! Grandymarmite! *le gasp* I like that one. Grandymarmite! That's your name now!" 
I said that one and I am proud.

" *pinching my bros cheek* you so squish. Squish squish squish. Squishy wish. Squishy wish you were adopted.


Nothing! "

" saywhatifyouradopted


I'm a genius."
My brother is mean to me.

"I need a light.

Don't look to your future then.

I can't find the lid.

Like you can't find a girlfriend?

I've lost it!


Just give me the light.


"I love you even though your adopted."

"Well whose my real mum?

You know when we went to the farm and we saw those disgusting fat ugly pigs?

Ah, that's why I felt right at home."

" *bit my bro on the nose... don't ask* oh we're you asleep?

No just reflecting terrible choices."

" *my brother randomly says bye*

Oh yes please leave!"

"are you dead?


*celebratory gasp* yay!

But only on the inside.

.... close enough."

"*drawing on window a stick man with sunglasses and writing the lyrics to allstar* ... hey [my bros name]


:3 don't what?

Please d-


"That's ridiculous you can't cook that"

"Is Patagonia real?



" *sees number plate with the Welsh word for school vaguely on it*

I GET IT GOD! I know I'm dumb!"

" *silence*

Ummm... sooo... these politicians am I right?

No politics in the car"

" *cash me outside how bout dat meme by my bro*

Well if it involves you jumping out a car I'm fine with that."

These two are seconds apart...

"Mum I'm a great sister"

"What are you doing?

Planning my funeral.



...I'm in the will, right?"

"God I hate trees."

" *thump*

What was that?

My dignity." 

"That KFC smelt of broken dreams"

"I am so done."

" *makes sound on his lemonade bottle* oh. Oh yeah! Gimme a beat!

*my bad beatboxing*

Yeah, I have no idea what I'm doing,
but I tell you right now, it definitely ain't pooing.
I could be playing sky landers and looting,
but no,
I'm here not doing pooing."

I think my bro should rap professionally.

"Does anyone need the toilet?

If I can hold my pee for two hours, the remaining twenty minutes should be like a warmup"

"Mum I need water! My throat hurts!

No you don't. Wait.

Your right.... mum I need chocolate milk!"
(Edit: that sore throat got worse and now I'm not in school cause I can't talk.)

" *bro moves his head to lean on grandymarmite.*

I feel betrayed.

*moves head back*


Well that's it! This is kinda a lil' "thanks for bearing with me" gift to ThefanOfmanyThings for waiting patiently for my update that STILL isn't ready! (I sowwwyyy!) Imma try and get it ready asap! I had really bad wifi on holiday and I couldn't stream videos properly! (And I needs a video for the update) but enough excuses! There is shipping to be done! *returns to rerys shrine*

Kthxbye! <3

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