The New Student

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,,Señora, Señora kiss me ,kiss me !",asked the hot spanish boy for.I already leaned for a kiss,when all of sudden I heard the most annoying sound of all time...„PIIIIPPP PIIIIIP
PIIIIIIIIP!!!!!" An „UUUUUUGGGHHH" left my mouth as I covered my face with my blanket trying really hard to go back to my so perfekt dream,but I guess It's gone.„Fuck Mondays",I mumbled after I shutdown the alarm clock.I sat up drank some water,put my flip flops on and went to the bathroom.A quick look in the mirror and my thoughts ? 'I freaking look like Gollum' like every morning.I took a closer look at myself and found a new member of my family,her name is 'Gerda' I think the others will like her.(I'm talking about pimples) Afterwards I brushed my teeth,my hair and put some deo on ,because we won't be smelly,(made the mistake once and don't want to make it again) I checked my phone: '7:20' „We good",I thought and went to my room to search an outfit for today.I decided,after a really loooooong time,to wear leggings with a long shirt and a jeans jacket,for the hair I went for a ponytail.Then I jogged downstairs to grab something small to eat.As I was eating I checked my phone and it already was 7:40,I chocked ,because of how fast I ate and also that I will be late again.Full of panic I put my sneakers on and threw my backpack on my shoulder,while I was handling the apple in my mouth,then I just run out real quick with a mixture of running and jogging ,while I was trying to plug the earphones in.After a long fight I actually plugged  them in and played beautiful music ,which made me go slower and enjoy the moment.

'When I was six years old I broke my leg
I was running from my brother and his friends
And tasted the sweet perfume of the mountain grass I rolled down,[..]'

I caught myself mumbling the words of the song,so I turned around to see if someone saw me or something like that.Well..Actually no one was here,on the playground of my high school,I guess because of the time.I checked the time while I pulled the door to my school. 8:05.,,Shit,not again.",I whispered,running to my class through the corridors.Suddenly I saw a boy standing there and looking at a piece of paper and then at the sign of the classroom-number.I slowed down as I reached my classroom ,which made the boy look up.,,HOLY CRAP MOTHER OF HOTNESS WHAT DID YOU DO ?",were my thoughts as I saw his so god damn handsome face.,,Hey,my name is Shawn and I'm new here,could you help me ,please ?", asked Shawn with an innocent voice.


Heeeiii Guuuyss whaaasss gooood ?
okay i'll stop..
So this is my first story of all the time ,so please don't be thaaat rude 😂 And if you have critics (good one) please tell me ,so I can do better.
To the story: I'll do like an preview what happened last chapter every chapter 😂 so you guys now what happend ,and also it is good for me to know where I ended.

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