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A/N: I'm not really good at writing fanfiction and I feel like I mess up the characters whoops sorry

Veronica slumped her duffel bag over her shoulder. Martha and Heather M. led on ahead, talking animatically. They had gotten each other as roommates. There weren't enough girls or enough rooms, so I was paired with a guy. A guy named Micheal Dean.

Dean. Jason Dean, JD. He had said their love was God, he would do anything for her. He was a good person, but his thoughts had been twisted. He would always be special to her. She wore a navy polo and ripped jeans, one of JD's old hoodies wrapped around her waist. Her duffel was harder to carry up the stairs to the second floor, where her friends' dorms also were.

She waved to them as she headed towards room 667 (Blood Moon Ball/Dragon Number from SVTFOE👉😎👉)

The room had velvet white walls, the floor a carpeted red. The beds looked comfy and had three pillows with a plain white cover and set. She set her bag at the foot of her bed. She untied the hoodie from her waist and held it close to her face, a trace of his smell stuck to it. She held it close and sighed.

A young man walked through the door. He was tall, about 6'2. His dark hair was ruffled and puffy, a black shirt and jacket draped over what looked like a fragile body. He wore blue jeans which contrasted with the rest of his apparel. A scar ran over his nose, and cuts were bandaged on his chin and cheek. He had other scars on his arm, but those were already half faded.

He saw Veronica and instantly his eyes widened. His hard work, all gone. He had known he would be paired up with her, but maybe they made a mistake.

Veronica looked up at the new person in the room. Her eyes widened and she lowered the hoodie. "Micheal Dean?" she asked, her hands fumbling. "Uh, yeah," he said, stepping closer to her. Veronica was only 5'7, so she had to look up at him. "You have a striking resemblance to Jason Dean..." Veronica said and trailed off. Her jaw dropped and she backed away, shaking her head. "Y-You're dead," she said, her voice shaky. "Veronica, it's me," Micheal said, but it wasn't. Only the university knew him as Micheal, everyone else as JD.

Veronica stared at him for a minute after JD put his hand on her shoulder. Suddenly, she jumped towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck  and tackle-hugging him to the floor. JD immediately wrapped his arms around her waist and held her closed as sobs came up her throat. "We all thought you were dead... no one could find your body. I-I..." she started and trailed off again. "YOU ASSHOLE" Veronica screamed and pushed herself off him, her voice breaking. The door had been closed, thank God, so it wasn't as loud. She stood up and backed towards her bed. JD stood up and looked at her, ashamed.

Veronica only said one thing at him, her voice sour and dipped in pain.

"What did you do...?"

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