Chapter Two

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Eight Years Later:

The sound of dishes clinking and voices drifted into my room, despite my closed bedroom door.

I groaned and rolled onto my side, covering my ears with a pillow.

"Ms. Bane," J.A.R.V.I.S. computerized voice filled my room. "Mr. Stark wished for me to tell you that you should quote 'Get your ass out of bed, and come downstairs and eat before the food is gone.'"

I rolled onto my back. "Tell him I said 'I won't eat until he lets me go on this mission with him.'"

"That's day three of the hunger strike Cel," Tony's voice overrode the P.A. system. "Give it up kid, you're not going. Now come downstairs, I made cinnamon buns, you're favorite."

I sat up. "That's playing dirty."

"All's fair in war Cel." Tony chuckled. "I'll save you a plate."

"I hate you!" I shouted playfully and threw my legs over the side of the bed. I ran my fingers through my tangled black hair as I padded into the bathroom.

The reflection staring back at me was haunting, there were deep, dark circles under my eyes. I looked like I had spent the entire night awake; which was true- I went to bed at three in the morning after a particularly long marathon of Gilmore Girls.

I poked at the fine spray of freckles spread across my nose and cheekbones. "J.A.R.V.I.S." I called. "What time does everyone leave for Sokovia?"

"I'm afraid Mr. Stark told me not to let you know any information about their upcoming mission," he said apologetically.

I sighed and cracked my knuckles. "Fine I'm going to have to ask 'Mr. Stark' myself." I pulled my waist-long hair into a half-assed ponytail and took the stairs

"She lives!" Clint shouted as I walked into the kitchen.

I sat in my usual spot between Bruce and Thor. "Piss off Barton." I grinned, grabbing a cinnamon roll from the center plate.

"Gee Tony, it's almost like you raised her yourself," Clint said into his coffee mug, earning a chuckle from Nat, who sat beside him.

Tony didn't even look up from his phone. "Piss off Barton."

Steve grunted, an amused smile on his face. Clint's face reddened. "Identical," he muttered under his breath.

"Good morning Lady Celeste," Thor greeted cheerfully. "Are you coming with us on the mission?"

I glared in Tony's direction. "I don't know, am I?"

"Nope." Tony spoke to his phone once more. "Do you think the dress is blue and black or white and gold?" He held the device up to Nat.

"Come on Tony, let her go," Clint argued. "It'll be useful to have someone who can raise people from the dead-"

"I can't do that." I took a bite of my cinnamon roll.

"Yet." Clint pointed his fork towards me. "Maybe if your old man would let you test your powers every once in awhile-"

Tony looked at Clint, raising an eyebrow. "And how do you suppose I do that without turning New York into a real-world Thriller set?"

"Tony's right." Bruce agreed. "It's too risky." Steve nodded in agreement.

I shot Bruce a betrayed look. "Come on Bruce! You're supposed to be on my side. I'm your favorite, remember?"

Tony pouted. "I thought I was your favorite," he said dejectedly.

"I think that Celeste is right." Thor spoke up. "Us demigods must be allowed to test our god-given abilities."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2017 ⏰

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