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                         January 5, 1885

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                         January 5, 1885

    THE night sky engulfed the small town of Holgate, allowing the monsters who roamed the darker hours to come out from hiding. Every last one of the citizens fled to their homes, fleeing from the burglars that crept through the night rather than the true terrors.

    Wrapping her chic coat tighter around herself, a lonesome woman walked through the night, seemingly affected by the cold. The few citizens that were left during these hours looked upon her with sympathy as she shivered. Though, their pitying looks was all she received as they continued on their way.

   Stopping in front of a slightly worn out wooden door, the woman knocked twice, hoping for an answer. A few minutes of shivering outside in the cold passed by before someone decided to answer her hopes at last.

    A girl who looked to be no older than twenty-five opened the creaking door with a curious look on her face. The woman's hair was no longer in it's elegantly styled bun from earlier in the day, now choosing to cascade down her back in long, messy curls instead.

"May I help you?" She questioned, not oblivious to the fact that the woman in front of her was shivering.

"Y-yes, please." The woman raised her head to make eye contact before shyly looking down once more. "I...I have no shelter and I w-was hoping you-"

    The owner of the small house waved her off with a kind smile. "Come in, you are welcome to stay here for the night."

    At that, the shaking brunette made her entrance, looking over the interior as she made her entrance. If she didn't know any better, she would assume that it was just an ordinary home and woman, but this girl did know better.

"D-do you offer residence to any others?" Her voice shook the entire time, seemingly timid.

"No, I'm afraid it's just me." The woman smiled as she spoke, but anyone could easily see that it was forced. The mysterious woman could tell she was lonely, but held no sympathy for her.


    The brunette allowed her lips to form a smirk before the demon took over her facial features entirely, shocking the other woman into freezing up. It was clear she was not at all expecting this kind of company.

"You're with him." She spoke calmly, but anyone could see that she was terrified.

    The woman had eventually came to her senses and whipped around to face the door, preparing to break off into a run. Unfortunately for her, the vampire was a step ahead and rushed to close it before she could flee.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, love."

    The vampiress had pushed her back against the wall, taking in the woman's fear with a smirk. Deep down, she could feel her demon yearning to be fed, urging her to take a bite. This woman had been ruining their plans for far too long, and Valentina was going to put a stop to that.

"Angelus sends his regards." The smirk remained on Val's face as she spoke.

     Her fangs slowly made their arrival as she prepared to sink them into the witch's flesh. Her appetite only rising even more so once she heard the sound of a rapidly beating pulse. Every part of her stirred with hunger and anticipation as she listened to the heartbeat fuel her meal. However, the witch wasn't done speaking and forced the vampire to turn away.

"These violent delights have violent ends." All fear from before had left her voice, realizing there was no escaping her inevitable death. Instead, she chose to accept it, refusing to satisfy this monster with her fear.

    The words didn't scare Valentina one bit, only causing amusement instead as she broke off into laughter. The witch simply narrowed her eyes in response, not seeming surprised by the girl's reaction one bit.

"You think I'm scared?" There was no hint of amusement as the words left her lips, any laughter from before going away.

     In one swift movement, the vampire had a single hand wrapped around the witch's neck, slowly turning into a squeeze as she looked down at the woman with venom. She didn't take kindly to people threatening her.

"Your end will come in the form of a girl, it is she who will bring an end to your reign of terror." The last words were full of venom as she used all of her breath to spit them out.

"Then I guess I'll just have to kill her." A smirk returned to the vampire's features as she allowed her fangs to blossom.

    Lunging forward, she sunk her sharpened teeth into the witch's flesh at last, savoring every last bit of the woman's blood. Energy bolted through her as she finished off her meal.

    Allowing the body to drop to the floor with a thud, Valentina made her exit with a sinister smile.

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