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Farr: I sit and watch tv in the basement to clear my head. the basement was made into a man cave thanks to my baby. all its not really man cave cause she loves it just as much as me. i wanted to talk to her about the whole thubb thing.  so I walk up from the basement and walk through the kitchen and dinning room to get to the staircase.  I walk up stairs and claire is decorating the hall with pictures from our weddin. I loved those pictures, she looked so beautiful!

"hey sweetheart" I walk up behind her and kiss her check and put my arms around her belly.

"hey babe" she reaches to hang up the big framed picture but cant reach,

"hey, let me..." I reached for the picture and hang it for her,

"so are you gonna do it?" I ask as I face the wall,

"do what? the dna test again?" she asks


"I wasnt planning on it, but what do you think?" I turn around and look at her,

"I know that little guy is mine, but if thats what he needs as closure, they do it.he deserves that much" she looked surprised that I was all for it. but after everything ive done to ty, he should get the closure he needs to move on.

Claire: I was so surprised that tyler wanted to do this for ty. I mean I get that ty deserves this. so I guess ill be goin through all that pain again.

"go ahead and call him, tell him your gonna do the test again and he can go with to make sure we go through with it.then when the results are done, we can mail them to him.so he knows the truth"

tyler kisses my belly then asks me if I need to shower before he does, I nod,

"actually, I was gonna take a bath, care to join me?" he gets a big grin on his face and starts the water. I call ty and get it over with so I can finally relax before worrying about making the dna test appointment.

THubb: im in the middle of recording when I get a call, I answer and its Claire

"hey ty, listen tyler and I agreed to do another dna test and your invited to go. if its the closure you need then fine"

"thank you claire" and she hangs up

I cant believe that Farr agreed to this, I thought he would be the last one to say yes. she texted me with the appointment date, its tomorrow at 2.

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