It's All My Fault

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Jack was trying to get to his car that held his mother and father but the pain in his broken leg was to much. Mark watched the boy struggle and started to cry. Mark couldn't help but feel like he had helped cause this. When Jack had calmed down enough they got him on the stretcher as he cried and soon past out from blood lose. Mark took the boys hand, "I'm so sorry this happened." and he began to cry harder than he'd ever cried before.

At the hospital Jack got a cast for his foot Mark was ok but needed a few stitches. Marks mom flipped her lid when she saw here baby laying in that hospital bed. She cried and held Mark, "I'm so sorry baby, I'm sorry. They couldn't save your brother" she cried Mark began to cry for his brother.

Jack could here everything that they said. And he cried for the dark haired boy. Thats when he had a flash back.

(Jacks flashback) They were going to a therapy appointment he put his headphones on and started his music they got on the highway and then crashed, he remembered every little detail of what happened (End of the flashback)

Jack got a note pad and got in a wheelchair and went to the darker haired boys room. Mark gasped and looked at the boy in the doorway,  his mom had left since visiting hours were over. He came in looking pissed, but after a minute or two his features softened as he looked at Mark, it became a look of sympathy. The wrote something down and showed Mark, 'I'm sorry about your brother' is what it read. Mark started to cry and whimper. "I'm s-s-so so-sorry a-about wh-wh-what h-ha-happened to y-your parents" Mark sobbed.

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