One Night and Three Years [Sasori no Danna]

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They were chasing you, God only knew what for, but you recognized the clouds on the cloaks: Akatsuki.  You stopped when you thought you had out run them, catching your breath.

“Finally planning on surrendering?” You looked up to find the one with the mask in front of you; you stepped backwards but ran into someone.  Not thinking, you flipped onto their shoulders and plunged your sword through their chest.  You jumped off, expecting them to at least fall to their knees but he just stood there.

“What the hell, bitch, that hurt!” he yelled, then turned around and swung at you with his scythe.

“Impossible,” you mumbled as the scythe cut across your middle. You coughed up blood as your fell to your hands and knees.

“You’re an idiot, Pein wanted the girl alive!” growled the masked one.  They came towards you, you tried moving but you became light headed and your vision tunneled. You tried to tell them to get the hell away but nothing came out, and you collapsed in a pool of your own blood.

The pain came with the light, creating a pink sheet over your eyes as it penetrated your lids. You cracked open your eyes to find a plain green room with a window; underneath you was a thin mat and over you an equally thin blanket.

“Where am I?” you mumbled, your voice hoarse and throat dry. “Ah!” You tried sitting up, but sickening pain shot through your stomach and chest.  You gripped the blankets so as not to cry out.  After the pain stopped, you decided to try to crawl to the window.  You got about half way there when the door slid open.

“I see you’re up,” said a voice, you didn’t even turn to look at the person.

“Leave. Me. Alone.”

“And let you bleed to death?  I’m afraid that’s against my orders.”

Our orders, un,” corrected another voice; you continued to crawl, the two sighed and there were hands on you in seconds.  They carried you back over to the mat; you noticed a blood trail where you had crawled.

“Let me go!” you growled, pushing at them.

“Hold her arms, Deidara,” said the first voice in a bored tone.  A blonde guy held your hands above your head, while a red haired guy settled on your hips.  You wriggled and tugged, trying to get free. “I really hate to do this.” The red haired guy slammed an elbow into your stomach; it knocked the wind out of you.  Immediately, pain shot through your body like white hot knives.  You clenched your fist tightly as he starts messing with your wounds.  You growled here and there or yelled in pain, arching your back only have him push you flat against the mat again.

“Would you stop moving?!” snapped blondie, tightening his grip on your wrists. “Trust us! We’re trying to help you.”

“Trust you,” you panted, “you attacked me, chased me, and almost killed me; add to that you took me away from my daughter! Fat chance I’ll trust you!” The red haired one froze momentarily then quickly returned to tending your wounds. “Then again – this is nothing compared to giving birth.” He quickly finished tending your wounds then he and blondie ran off. You lay there, tired and sore, as images of your daughter drifted through your mind; her ever present happy, cheerful smile, her crimson hair and the eyes she got from you that were always glittering with wonder.  What was she going to do without you? She only had you; her father didn’t even know she existed.   The red haired one returned shortly after, alone; painfully but carefully, you turned on your side away from him; he silently sat beside you.

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