Chapter 1- Hey SC

22 1 0

February 6, 2014




Dear Journal.



Here I am, California. I'm near Huntington Beach and it's nice. The sun is setting at the moment so I'm enjoying it. This whole travel the world thing is tiring me out, literally. I'll be heading to Anaheim tomorrow, there's a venue one of my inspirtations have played. I want to see if I could open for a band, even though I'm solo. I should probably look for a band. I don't care if I don't get to play guitar as long as I'm the vocalist. Since my mom died, my passion for music has grown even more. All my life I've been listening to bands like Metallica, Slipknot, Suicide Silence... So metal. But I listen to post-hardcore too. I'm not sure what Of Mice And Men qualifies as, I just like them.


So today is the first day of my journey, and I guess that's why I'm writing this in a journal. So I'll cut it close today, and bid my farewells for the night. With the money I got from selling my moms house, and all the furniture, I have enough to survive for a bit. 



Goodbye for now,

Kyle. .



I looked up from the empty notebook, to the sky. I'm not a big believer in religion so I don't think that there's a God, or a Heaven. I do believe there's a place we go after we die. The ground.

If you ever had someone close to you die, you know how hard it is to get by. But when my mom died, I acted like it hadn't happened... Like she was there but I was going on vacation or something.  A very hard vacation at that. I closed the notebook and put it in my backpack. The hotel was in sight from my spot at a bench. I picked up my guitar and head towards the building. As I entered I noticed that it looked so home-like. I loved it.

I went to the front desk where a pink haired woman was sitting and listening to music. I leaned over and tapped her shoulder. She jumped and turned around to face me.

"Hey! Welcome, do you have a room?" She asked, smiling.

"Um, yeah. My reservation was made last night" I said with a half smile. She looked at the computer in front of her and nodded.

"Kyle?" She asked. I nodded and guestered to the shirt she was wearing.

"Suicide Silence?" She nodded and grinned and stuck out her hand. 

"I'm Jordan, and if you say 'That's a guys name' I will shove my foot up your-"

"I wasn't going to say that.." I cut her off. She started laughing and handed me my key. "Room 14 buddy boy"

I nodded and grabbed my stuff, heading to my room. When I unlocked it and turned on the light, what I saw was a room that looked like a small apartment. This place is pretty neat, I thought.

I sighed and dropped onto the bed, immediately passing out.



I woke up to my phone alarm at 6:10 am, playing the song Everything Ends by Slipknot. I shot up so quick and turned it off incase there were other people staying here. My phone vibrated, my uncle texted me and said that his place was open if I needed to, and to go to the neighbors for the key. Right, he has a vacation home in Malibu. He never decided to share any of the wealth to his poor sister and her kid..

The electricity dimmed out as I was brushing my teeth so I went to the lobby to see what happened and I saw Jordan standing there with her arms across her chest, grinning. 

"Good! You're up" She said and I groaned. 

"I was brushing my teeth, gosh" I whined. 

"You're a musician?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah, not a singer though if you know what I mean." She nodded. 

"So what, like a deathcore guy or something?" She keeps going on and on with questions, I thought.


"Yeah like that. I'm trying to find a band because all I ever wanted was to be big. Not like Justin Bieber, that guy needs to straighten out his life, you know?" I finished and saw Jordan trying not to laugh. I looked at her in surprise. She pointed at my waist and burst out laughing.

"Oh my god! You have a gun on your peepee!" I just frowned at her and walked off to my room for some pants. After I came out she gave me a thumbs up. I started walking out with my guitar and backpack. "Are you not staying here anymore?"


"No I'm going to stay at my uncle's beach house in Malibu during this time" I said walking backwards towards the door.

"Need a ride?" Jordan asked and walked towards me, and straight past me to the parking lot. "Come on, loser!" 

I smirked and followed suit. "I guess I do" 


I gave her the address to the house and when we pulled up there was a nice, red, '62 Cadillac with a note taped to the convertible saying "Kyle, you're gonna need a car and it's about time I start showing I care. She's yours, keys are with Mrs. Green next door with the keys to the house. You can stay here for at least a year unless you get a job then the house is yours, we have a new one ~Uncle John"

I grinned, and looked back to Jordan. "It's mine!" I laughed, "Wanna come inside?" I asked and she nodded.

I ran over to the neighbours and the woman, Mrs Green, handed me the keys and I ran back to the house to unlock it. It hasn't been long since my uncle and his family were down here so I guess that explains the clean interior. There was a note on the fridge saying "Stocked, all items expire after 2-10"

Wow, my first day in Southern California and I already have a friend, a car, and a house. I hope the job comes quick...












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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2014 ⏰

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