chapter 3

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The 9 boys finished up talking about 15 minutes later, I hadn't even noticed that they had talked, I was playing flappy birds the whole time ha.  Sam told me that they had announced that when they got all set up, the meeting portion would start. 

I had really no interest in meetings any of them, So sam chose who we would go meet.

When every thing was ready all the girls in the building scramed off and went there separate ways.   

The first stand we went to was some kid named Hayes Grier.     He was Sam's favorite and apparently they are the same age.          

We stood in line for about 20 minutes until it was our turn.

    Right when we walked up Sam froze.   She's probably so nervous.   I mean she constantly talks about this kid, and now she's about to meet him.

I give her a little shove and she runs up to Hayes and gives him a huge hug.   And I could hear her sobbing in his shoulder.  

I took Sam's phone and was about to take the picture when Hayes leaned over and kissed her on the cheek right in time to take the shot. 

Her face got so red and she leaned in a gave him another hug before we moved on. 

" Hey! You gotta name?" Hayes called to Sam.

Her cheeks got all red and she turned around and answered back. "Yes, it's Sam."  Go sam! Ha

"So where to next?" I asked sam.

"CAMERON DALLAS!!" She practically screamed.

I nodded my head and we headed off.    

The line was super long and we ended up standing in it for about 2 hours, some girl a little bit ahead of us ended up puking and a girl behind me passed out..

I mean I looked him up on instagram but I didn't think he was that special.     But what do I know.  I typically don't like any "internet famous people".         I just think their all a bit "cleshay" .

The line kept moving and in what felt like 5 years we were at the front of the line.

I lifted my head up from my phone and I almost fainted at the sight in front of me.

(Hey guys!! Sorry for the little cliff hanger. But I hoped you enjoyed! Please please please vote and give me feedback! Love ya xo! ! -maddy)

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