Chapter 24: Fix You

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Chapter 24: Fix You 

Sarah had come home shortly after I got back. I had locked myself in my room, not wanting to talk to anyone.

The next morning my hunger got the better of me so I come out of my room to get breakfast. Sarah had left a note on the kitchen counter.


I've gone to Dustin's and I'll be back around 3pm. I made you some pancakes(they're sitting in the microwave) and brought some comfort food since I know you like comfort food. I hope you're ok.

Love Sarah xx

Even if I was feeling rather depressed, I had to feel grateful that I had a friend like Sarah. I set the timer on the microwave and hunt around the kitchen for the comfort food. Sarah had brought chocolate, cookies and ice-cream, all in my favourite flavours of course. The microwave starts beeping and I take the plate out before covering the pancakes in an array of treats. Well, if I didn't have James then at least I had this mountain of pancakes. I take a giant mouthful, a stray tear rolling down my cheek. This food wasn't comforting me yet. I hear the front door open behind me and spin around, expecting Sarah to be back early.

It was James.

I forcibly swallow my food, my appetite gone from his presence. "Sarah gave me her key." He says, as I just stand there looking like a train wreck: old clothes, messy hair, red eyes and food on my hands and mouth. And I wonder why James isn't with me. I turn around, going back into the kitchen and grabbing a handy towel.

I wanted to throw myself into his arms at the exact same time I wanted to punch him... in the face... with a brick. "What are you doing here James?" I hiss, turning around to face him.

I wanted to throw myself into his arms at the exact same time as I wanted to punch him, in the face... with a brick. "What are you doing here James?" I hiss. 

"I'm here to tell that what you saw happened between Halston and I wasn't my intension." He says taking a step towards me. I take a step back. 

"What? You mean the kiss? How could that not be intensional? She IS your girlfriend, that's what couples do, right? Well, I wouldn't know what real couples do. The only relationship I've been in was the one where I got cheated on and then almost got raped!" I snap. 

"I broke up with her." He says. I look at him shocked. 

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I'm in love with you Libby." I was silent for a long time. I could feel James eyes on me as I looked at the floor.

"How can you be in love with someone like me?" I say quietly. 

"Because you're perf-"

"No I'm not!" I cut him off. "I'm not perfect James! I'm an emotional wreck. I'm not like other girls, I've been broken into so many pieces so many times. I'm a piece of your past James. Invisible, you said I would never be invisible yet that's how you treat me so often with out realizing." James opens his arms and I fall into his embrace and let out silent sobs. He picks me up and carries me to the couch where he holds me. 

"Libby." His voice cracks as he says my name. "My goal in life is to take all those pieces and put you back together, and I'm sorry for treating you like you're invisible but in all honesty, you have been the only thing on my mind since I moved to L.A. four years ago. I never knew why until it hit me. I'm in love with you. I always have been." He takes my face between his hands and kisses me passionately. I kiss him back. It was different from what I had experienced, sparks flew and my thoughts scattered. When the kiss is over, I look into his eyes. 

"I love you James. Like you I always have loved you. But I'm not good enough for you." I whisper. I had what I wanted right in front of me, James' love, and I was rejecting it. But as I said before, I'm broken. Broken from the death of my mother. Broken from a childhood different from a normal childhood. Broken from Sean being in my life. Broken from James leaving to L.A. and broken from being the one piece of his past that followed him. James doesn't deserve to have the heavy burden of fixing me. 

"Libby. You're the only one for me. I'll show you what a real relationship is like." My heart sinks into my shoes as I hear these words. I finally realize how much I wanted James, no matter what our past was. He moved me chemically more than anyone ever had and all other men are pale besides him.

He was the one.


A/N: Few days later than planned but I DID UPDATE!

I've been having really bad anxiety the past two days cause a BOY asked me out and boys never ask me out so I'm freaking out haha.

Two more chapter and I MAY or may not have a bonus chapter planned.


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