Saying Goodbye: Ouran

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Ouran District~

Hikaru waited in a small room for his friends and family to come say goodbye. He was terrified, but every time the fear tried to consume him he just reminded himself that he was doing this for Kaoru. Kaoru was his life, and he would be proud to die in his name. Everybody was on their way to him.

"....Kaoru! Um, I mean Hikaru! Stop running so fast!" Hikaru snapped upright as soon as he heard Tamaki yell his brothers name. The gaurds in front of the door asked for the visitors to come in, and motioned to the ginger sitting on a couch in the middle of the room. The boy wearing the same face as him let out a noise that was in between a scream, whimper, and a cry.



They both embraced at the same time, with need and affection. Kaoru held on to him like his life depended on it, and Hikaru clutched him back with protection written all over his face.

"Why the hell did you do that?!" Kaoru sobbed into his shoulder, his legs collapsing a little as he choked on the words. Hikaru didn't answer. He didn't need to. Everyone knew it was for Kaoru.

"Kaoru," Tamaki reffered to Hikaru but used his brothers name. They all knew it would be unavoidable death for the twins if they let the world know what was going on. Hikaru had betrayed the capitals trust by doing this, and letting Kaoru off of the hook-- which was obviously against the rules. That was why everyone had to pretend that their rolls were switched. Despite the fact that they were identical twins, it would be hard for everyone.

Neither one of them loosened their grip on each other.

"I promised you that I'd never let you go, back at the house, right?!" Kaoru asked, his voice cracking. Hikaru confirmed this by nodding.

"Well I broke that promise when I let you walk on to the stage," He gasped, "I disgust myself, what did I ev--"

"Hikaru, stop." Kyouya placed a hand on Kaoru's shoulder and ripped the two away from each other.

"This whole situation is a huge mess, but there are benefits when you squint." He sat on the couch opposite the twins'. Tamaki, Mori, and Haruhi sat with him. Hunny was being held in a sepparate room, and everyone would go see him after visiting with Hikaru. Kaoru would have literally killed someone if he were to be apart from his twin any longer.

"Kao- er, Hikaru, you can become a sponsor and supply him with anything he needs. That's the advantage that comes with being rich. We can all help you out. Well, all of us except for Haruhi." Kyouya motioned to the still dazed Haruhi, who now looked confused as ever.

"W-why not me?" She asked. Kyouya stared at her, exhasparated.

"Simply, because you are not rich. You will serve well as a spy. Become a stylist or something, just get us as much information about all of the other tributes as you can." He ordered. She nodded grimly.

"Hunny will protect you, Kaoru." Tamaki told Hikaru.

"Mitskuni will train him as best he can, but when the time comes he may have to fight seriously." Mori clarified sadly. Everyone could see his discomfort. Hikaru swallowed nervously and tightened his grip on Kaoru's arm.

"I... I'm scared. Lots of people die. Nobody holds back because they're protecting the ones they love." The first words he had said the entire meeting were out. Kaoru just started sobbing harder.

"But I will do my best for everyone. For Hikaru. I did this so you could smile. Please... please, for me... Keep smiling. Fight for me, Hikaru. I'll need your support to come home safely." Hikaru raised his brothers face so they were making eye contact. Kaoru gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and nodded, smiling weakly.

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