Chapter 1

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Aerona had woke up in a tree top. She saw monsters pass her a lot. Sometimes she saw the bridge. One day, she'll find her opportunity moment. She was constantly analyzing it. Her soul was a bright and bold red. She thought her soul was odd. The aura of her soul often glowed white and she didn't know why. A voice would talk to her. Spoke of a human who lost their DETERMINATION. They said she had DETERMINATION so she was able to attach herself to Aerona.

The time is 3:00, that shadow will be leaving with his ominous brother in an hour. I'll only have ten minutes so I should get close to the bridge. I hope my glow doesn't give me away.

Aerona jumped across each tree branch, being careful of weak branches. She was really close to the bridge within 45 minutes. Her body was tired and she knew she had time to rest for fifteen minutes at least. She looked at the bridge enticingly, waiting for her quo. Hearing the crunch of the snow she knew the older one was coming by. She heard chatter from the edgy brother and then they started heading home. She creeped to the other side of the bridge and blended in with the vast number of trees. She climbed the tree to the top and saw a glow. A save point.

(*Sneaking to the other side of the bridge fills you with DETERMINATION.)

The human heard from the spirit. She was in fact full of DETERMINATION. She was trying to avoid as many monsters as possible. She looked at the trees and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Doused in darkness, she floated. She saw a human with yellow flowers covering their face. She wore a jacket and had medium brown hair. A skeleton had her in his arms. He was crying. Aerona heard a soft voice say:

"Oh Mary, contrary
How does your garden grow?"
"Come with me, and you'll be, the seventh maid in a row."
My answer, was laughter, soft as I lowered my head.
"You're too late, I'm afraid, this flower's already D e A d."

Aerona listened to each word but it stoped at 'dead'. Did they lose determination? She was doused in darkness again and she appeared in front of a flower. She knew this one well. A different song played.

Falling down the hole, to the world below
A new human, with starlight's shine
Woke to a bed of yellow flowers
Walking alone, she met a monster
Kind and forgiving
S p A r E d them

A while in her time
A woman found them in her sights
Taking them home, she took care of them
But she would not stay

Finding the exit, battling her
Leaving the R u I n S in haste
She found a lonely place
There a spirit appears
Sad and dull
Spoke to her

"W h a t  p u r p o s e  d o  y o u  h a v e h e r e?"

Everything stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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