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*Zayn's Story*


1632 AD

I stood there ready to perform and the anxiety filled me all the way. I remember the day that King James found out about me. I would never imagine a servant boy like me being recognized by the King himself. Sometimes it just felt too surreal, like I was dreaming or something.

Then our production began as we all walked out for our performance. The audience was filled with royalty and nobility. Throughout the play I spotted her, the girl that came to my performance every night. She must have been one of the other actors' wife. However she always seemed to have an interest in me. Her eyes always sparkled when she stared at me. So maybe she wasn't a wife... Who knew, she could be a girl who loved the play.

Our production finished with the audience applauding mildly. We took our bows and headed back to the backstage. I went to my station to take my clothes off when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked to whom it was and I came face to face with her. She stood there with a grin and her hands behind her back. Her hair was a light blonde and pulled back into a bun. Her eyes were bright blue and her skin was a bit pale. By her outfit I could see she was noble.

"My lady." I bowed respectively in her presence. She looked a bit uncomfortable at my bow, which confused me. Most nobles would expect peasants to give them the utmost respect. I stood straight up and faced her.

"You don't have to call me that... or even bow," she said with a smile "I'd rather be called by my name. Which is Veronica by the way," she said, holding her hand out. I took it and shook it gently. "What's your name sir?"

"The name's Zayn." I replied with a smiled. She blushed slightly and dropped her hand. "What brings you back here?" I ask simply.

"To tell you how good of a job you did up there. I was amazed," she said. I shrugged as if it was nothing. "You really did do good," she assured.

"I believe what you're saying. But I am not the star of the production. I only had one monologue. Others had two or more." I said.

"Doesn't matter what part you have. It matters how you do it. The part you played was amazing. I honestly wasn't paying attention to the other actors," Veronica said. "Nothing but a bunch of idiots who think they can act," she teases. I smile at her encouragement. "I have to go now. I'll come back tomorrow and see how well you will do then," She grins, and so she did.

Veronica and I grew close; each day she came to me after my performance. I even developed feelings for her. She was the most beautiful and sweetest girl I knew, but I didn't consider a relationship with her. I couldn't be with her, that would be like shaming her family. Nobles like her shouldn't be with a lower class person like me. The only thing that could be was mild flirting and treating her respectively. But I could tell she wanted to take things further with me.

One night Veronica insisted that we would take a walk together. I hesitated but she pleaded. I eventually gave in and we walked in the cool night. Silence emanated between us. The only sound was Veronica's shoes clicking on the pavement. Then she decided to break the silence. "Can I ask you something Zayn?" she wonders.

"Yes my lady," I reply simply. She sighed giving me that 'look' she always does when I call her lady. I chuckled and spoke fixing it. "Yes Veronica," I said with a grin on my face.

"Why do you always avoid me when I want to have a relationship with you?" she asked. My grin dissipated slowly. I sighed and stopped walking, causing Veronica to look at me with her bright blue eyes dimmed in confusion. I look to her with sincerity.

"My lady, you are a Duchess. I am but an actor. One such as you could never show interest in one such as me." I bow to her. Veronica holds her hand up stopping me and shaking her head telling me to stop. I sighed and stood up straight.

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