Unoffical first date

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Waverley sat across the bar with a pissed off look spreading across her face. Nicole was a red haired beauty who slowly watched Waverley become more irritated as minutes went by, she finished her drink and plucked up enough courage to talk to Waverley. As Nicole approached Waverley got a tingle in her stomach as if someone had let 1000 butterflies off at once. She felt her face turn to a smile as Nicole started to speak
Nicole: um.. hi.. I'm Nicole and.. I was wondering if.. um.. I could buy you a drink
Waverley smiles and nodded with little giggles escaping at how cute she thought Nicole was. They found a quite corner in shortys in which they talked about everything from work to friends to Highschool, they talked for hours until a big stocky boy-man walked in, he looked furious. He marched over to the bar and slammed his hands down as hard as he could and demanded to know where Waverley was. Nicole saw the pain behind Waverley's eyes as champ was screaming and shouting. Nicole grabbed Waverley's hand but the other girl pulled away she was so scared of champ. Nicole would soon know why. Waverley stood up and walked over to Champ only to receive a hard slap to the face and a punch to the side of her stomach. Nicole jumped out of her chair and ran over and tired to put her handcuffs on Champ but he kept swing trying to hit her while Waverley was on the floor wincing. Nicole grabs champs thump and says
Nicole: Try to hit me again and I'll cut it off
Champ stops struggling and walks out the door to Nicole's police car. Once Champ was all locked away in the car Nicole ran back in to help Waverley who by now had managed to get up and sit on the stool.
Nicole: why haven't you told anyone about this?
Waverley: because..
Nicole: because why? This isn't right!
Waverley: he says he only does it so I don't leave him for someone else, he always says that no one else would want me if I'm bruised
Nicole: how long has that gone on for?
Waverley: about a year
Nicole looks heartbroken. How could someone do something that horrible to such a beautiful girl?
Nicole: I'm gonna need you to come to the station to give a full statement
Waverley looks scared again
Waverley: of everything?
Nicole: yes waves everything...

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