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I finally understand after all this time the reason you left was because you didn't like broken things and you realized, I was in fact broken, all has come clear now I really don't need you I can finally let go
I can breathe when you're near by
I dont cry as much
Hell I dont even glance twice anymore
I'm darn proud of myself
Not so fun anymore?
Finally realizing I'm gone for you
That I'm not gonna be there when she leaves
How does that feel
Tell me please I'm interested
Do you feel the slightest bit guilty for what you did
Doesn't matter anyway
You tried to talk to me today
And you realized I wasn't paying attention
Not a great feeling huh
Is it finally clear that the world doesn't revolve around you
And the you are no longer my world
What once was my everything is now nothing
Just like that you lost me
In a blink of an eye and you never saw it coming
And ive never felt better,
I opened up my eyes
Ive sacrificed to much to let you walk all over me again
Never again will you use me
I'm not that girl anymore
And hell, I'm damn proud
With the simple words
I now pronounce you blocked and deleted, you Mr.player may now Kiss my ass
That's felt good to say
I dont know why I didn't do that a long time ago
Like I should have
Before I lost everyone who did care
Before I lost the ones I really can't live without
Because by leaving me all those times
For your safety "X" I won't announce your name
But you though you were teaching me to miss you, when all I learned was how to live without you.
I also discovered who I can't live without so thank you, for the memories, pain, heartbreak, but most of all the lesson I learned. I am a good person be grateful I'm not getting revenge. I'm to good for that. But karma, now that I can't wait for that to happen. You screwed up my life, I'm not letting that happen again.

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