Chapter 1

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Nick Fury POV

"Sir, why have you called us here today?" Clint asks.

"Well I want you to capture a boy named Perseus Jackson and-" I never got to finish my sentence before Thor stood up looking furious.

"You are not going to capture Perseus Nick. He is a friend of mine and I do not want you to hurt him in any way" Thor said.

I look at Thor with a questioning look.

"And how do you know him Thor?" I ask.

"I am not alowed to tell you Nick. If you want him here, fine, but do not force him to come here, if he does not wish to come then leave him be" Thor answerd me.

"Well you are going with them Thor, you are apart from this team as well" I say to Thor who grumbles about something that I can't hear. I tell them all to go and then I wait for them to come back.

Thor POV

I can not belive that Nick wanted us to capture Perseus, or Percy as he preferes. I am the only one that knows he is still alive and well, his own father does not know and i'm going to try to convince him to tell his father that he is alive and well.

Time skip

We arrived at a worn down house and the first thing that I saw was Percy looking ready for a fight. I look over at my friends to see them pointing their weapons at him and I quickly step in the way blocking him from view.

"Hey Blondie move out of the way!" Metal man said and I glared at him and he was so surprised that he took a step back. I turn to Percy to see him looking relieved and relaxed, then I see the wound in his side and I immediately run to his side and pick's up a little Ambrosia from my pocket and gives it to him. He smiles a little in thanks and I help him up.

"My friend will you come with us to S.H.E.I.L.D? Director Fury want's to speak with you. Do not worry, I will not let them harm you in any way" I ask Percy who nods, to tired to actually answer me in words. Just when he get's up he looses consciousness and falls to the ground and I quickly catch him and lay him on my back and fly back to S.H.E.I.L.D's headquarters.


When I landed on the roof of Stark Tower I went right in and walked to Fury so that he knew Percy was here. I walked to the meting room and saw Fury there.

"Perseus is here now Fury. He is not well and i'm gong to make sure that he is" I say.

"Well do that then Thor and then bring him here" Fury replied and I walked away. I walked into my room so that no one would disturb him. Then I get a chair and sits next to my friend and waits for him to wake up again.

Percy POV

When I woke up today I had a feeling that I was going to get into trouble. And I was right. When I went outside a hugh Chimera attacked me and before I could get my sword, it slashed me in the side making it bleed. I quickly killed it and then went back inside the worn down house and looks for ambrosia but I can't find any, not nectar either. I went back outside and sit on the stairs until I see a helicopter coming and landing in front of me on the grass. I stand up ready for battle because all of them except one, who looks like some one I have met before, has their weapons raised at me. The man with blond long hair sees and steps between them and me.

"Hey Blondie move out of the way!" A man in a metal armor says and the man I now recognize as Thor, the Norse god of lightning, glares at him and turns to me and I relax. He sees the wound on my side and quickly runs to me and gives me some ambrosia and I smile in thanks.

"My friend will you come with us to S.H.E.I.L.D? Director Fury want's to speak with you. Do not worry, I will not let them harm you in any way" Thor asks me and i'm to tired to answer in words so I just nods and stand up but my energy is low and I feel someone catching me.

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