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A/N hey guys, as promised, I decided to make a Leverage Fanfic!

Anywho, let's get on with the story shall we? And don't forget to comment and hit that vote button!


This is sad. I could get through this guy's firewall in my sleep. Tsk tsk tsk, such an easy code to break.

After I'm past the firewall, I tap into the security feed, entering the verification and access codes.

To hack into something, you have to be more than careful. Especially if you're a hacker hacking another hacker. You have to be fully aware of every single decision you make, and every wrisk you take.

When hacking, every decision is critical.

You have to be sure to not leave any digital finger prints that your target, if smart enough, could trace you by. Once past the security feed, I am home free to get what I want.

I shove my laptop into my backpack and make my way up. When working alone, always make sure that you have a storage option.

Make sure that the backpack you choose is large enough to fit a laptop, yet small enough to allow you to still fit through small spaces, and is secure enough to not open if you make a sudden drop.

Now that the toughest part of the security is deactivated, I can continue my way to the storage facility.

I quickly and quietly make my way down to the storage room and take in all the stolen objects. Everything from a 2005 Harley Davison, to famous sculptures.

Come on Nat, focus here! I scold myself. I stealthily make my way to the urn and quickly place it in my bag. This was easy.... too easy.

Before I can even blink, five figures appear before me. A tall, dark skinned young man, a short blonde girl, a man with curly dark hair, a brunette woman with very sculpted cheekbones, and lastly, a man with long, brown hair.

"Who are you and why are you stealing our stuff?" the blonde one asked, a frown on her dainty features. I smirked.

"Now Miss Parker, my mother told me not to talk to strangers," I replied. He raised his eyebrows.

"Put it back," the dark one commanded. Hmmm, seems like they don't like having their toys taken..

"Now why would I do that?" I purred. The long haired man walked up to me.

"Now little lady, how about you give me the urn?" he says. He reaches over and wraps his fingers around the delicate artwork. I knee him in his solar plex, causing him to double over.

"Now, now Mr. Spencer, I think we both know it isn't that easy," I said shoving the artwork in my bag. He glared up at me with anger filling his eyes. He threw a punch, but I skillfully dodged it. He threw another, but to no prevail. This only made him angrier.

"Mr. Spencer, I thought you could fight?" he let out a growl of frustration. He went to grab and tackle me but I dropped to the ground and knocked him down, punching him in the nose once he was down. Blood trickled out and I took this time to jump up.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Hardison moving in to help. Catching him off guard, I twisted my body around and delivered very painful roundhouse kick to his right shoulder.

A yelp of pain came from him as he nearly fell. I ducked just in time to dodge a powerful punch that Spencer was throwing my way, sending it straight into Hardison's jaw, knocking him out cold. I whipped around and sucker punched Spencer and kicked him where the sun don't shine.

He dropped to the ground and once he was on his knees, holding himself in pain, I grabbed hold of his shoulders and kneed him on the face, knocking him out.

I ran to the window, but stopped for a moment and turned around.

"Who are you!?" The other woman asked.

I could have been a stereotypical bad guy and say my baby, throw them a wink, and make my grand escape, but instead I dove out the window. I hit the ground and rolled. I jumped up and sprinted away. as fast as possible.

After all this trouble, Sterling better be happy with my work.

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