The one and only chapter XD

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Undecided on what to do, the 5"2 male stood on the edge of the wooden jetty staring out across  the tranquil lake. A gentle breeze caressed his face and head, merely moving a single naturally crimson hair on his head. He sighed deeply.

Every day was the same. He would anxiously walk down the busy concrete streets, trying to stay in a fairly decent mood when they... they appeared. From around the corner, you could see them sneering like fossa that have just cornered its weak prey. They'd spot him, in almost an instant and he would jump into a panicked sprint; in his case running was his only good option. The 16 year old would go as fast as his legs could take him and they would be mercilessly advancing on him; like hunting dogs chasing after a fox. Eventually and unfortunately, the 'alpha' of the group would catch up to him and yank him by the shirt collar; strangling him to a halt. The group of taller teenagers would circle him like vultures so he could not escape their evil embrace.

"oh look, it's our good friend, Vasbar" the leader of the fierce gang would smirk, still gripping him by the collar. This is what happened routinely, every day, without fail. Vasbar would stutter back "o-oh hey g-guys..." and that would result in mocking laughter.

The main guy would then pick him up, still grabbing him by the collar and that would result in him being just metres from the floor, and smash his fist into Vasbar's small chest. All of the air would pulsate up through his throat from his empty stomach and out into the morning air. He would then be hurled to the tarmacked floor with a bone-crushing thud, the sound would reverberate through his body and it would sound like he was hollow. The gang would then stroll off sniggering.

He blinked, a single tear danced slowly down his cheek and onto the elm jetty as he stared blankly onto the shimmering lake. The combined colours of the pink and blue sunset created a calm, sustainable atmosphere. He had to do something. He had to try and stand up for himself, he couldn't just suffer in silence. But how? How could he? No one likes him, no one would believe him. Plus, it could make the whole situation so much worse. Different scenarios flooded his weak mind, he couldn't do anything, he is bullied for his appearance and his sexuality and just in general. Nothing new really: he is  gay, he has naturally crimson hair in its normal style of a quiff, his height of 5"2, his style of clothing which includes an off white  long sleeved shirt, luscious black tie, light blue jeans with a brown belt and formal black shoes, his white eyes and his un-natural vampire like fangs.

He took another deep breath, more tears escaping from their tear duct prison in his dull eyes, he definitely couldn't do anything, he was physically and mentally weak, petrified and just unable.

The gentle breeze converted into a gust and his silky black tie flapped around in unison with it. Slowly, Vasbar lifted his head up towards the almost gray sky and said to the heavens with a voice crack of desperation:

"Please...Please help me make a decision... what did I do to deserve this?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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