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The water was warm. I could feel the salt burn throughout my skin though. The thoughts of my life lived and how I was going to die was all I was thinking about. This was how I was going to die. I might as well appcept it. The sun rays shine through the water and on my skin. I feel myself going light headed . I was going to give in. I close my eyes.

Someone's hands grasp my shoulders and I feel myself being pulled up. I just let it happen. I am brung upon the surface of the water. I gasp for air trying to get a grip of somthing. I can see the outline of a figure float over a peice of metal. I clench on to it to keep me afloat. The warm breeze relaxes me from the adrenaline. I see the figure dive under water again . My eyes are still blurry but I can see we are not too far from land. There is someone clatched on to a peice of metal not too far from me but we are just lucky to be alive. I see the figure rise up above the turquoise water with another perosn coughing and chocking for air. I see the figure swim over to what appears to be a small raft.

The figure pulls me and two others onto it. Our feet and legs lay in the water but out upper body and arms have a grasp on the raft.

"I'm Kez. I'll explain everything. Hold on we are getting to land." He says in a staggered voice.

I hear a three others in the back ground.

"Help Us!" They shout from behind as he paddles away.

"The raft can only hold so much, I'll go back for them. " Kez says.

He paddles for about 10 mins. I can hear the sand scrapeup against the raft. I hop off and stumble to regain balance. I run and collapse onto the sandy beach. I was ashore.

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