I'll Remember You

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Janice looked around at the empty house once she had returned, she sighed seeing the once again empty house. She ran her fingers through her dark hair before sitting down on the couch throwing her books on the table next to her.

Janice had moved twelve times in her seventeen years, as a small five year old her mother abandoned her and Janice was left in the care of her mothers rebellious younger sister, Katy. Things with her aunt did not go so well and she moved soon after not even a year in the house. From there she went to live with her uncle Damien, who like his aunt did not seem to care much for the young Janice. At ten years of age Janice had been living with sever different relatives since her abandonment all of which left Janice soon after. At ten she lost all hope of reuniting with her mother, who was just a distant memory to her, there were a few things that she could remember about her mother. One was her large electric blue eyes which were so much like her own. Her mothers neat and straight brown hair which hung to her waist, she was never allowed to touch her mothers hair, and was shouted at if she dare come close to her hair, close to her. 

Ten was to young, to loose hope in the world, but that is exactly what happened to Janice. She had know one to love her, show her right from wrong, to guide her into her teenage years, and for that she resented her mother. For leaving her, forgetting about her, as if she was nothing. Loosing someone you love changes you, sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way. Janice had become cold and distant, never bothering to truly know someone in fear that they would leave, exactly like her mother, exactly like her father, exactly like every single person she has ever cared for.

This was the twelfth house Janice has lived in, everyone she has lived with was different. she knew her boundaries, she knew things that she could not say, things she could not do. She knew how her guardians acted, what to expect of them. The absence of her aunt, Lili, today was not odd at all. Her aunt was her mother's eldest sister, forty-three years of age, she had thick black hair that was usually pulled back tight in a bun, big pink lips that were lined with dark red liner, and brown eyes which were small and hidden behind a pair of thick glasses. She always was gone when Janice came home from the Public School near by, she liked going twenty four hour bar further in town, trying to catch the attention of one of the bartenders. He was young, most likely twenty years younger then her aunt, she met him when her aunt took her to the bar the first day she had arrived. 

Janice had been used to being alone, but at the moment, sitting down in that couch, in the large house, she felt.. lonely. Something she had not felt in many years. As much as she hated her mother for what she had done she couldn't help but miss her. Miss her yelling at her for standing to close, miss her laughing at how Janice couldn't paint her toes, she missed everything about her mom that made her dislike her. With disgust Janice realized that she just wanted someone to be with her at the moment, to take care of her.

Even if it was her mother.


Remmy sat next to her father, her blond hair piled on top of her head. She gazed out the window, ignoring her father who was talking about new plans he had to improve his home. His home. Not hers, his. Remmy may be spoiled but she knew if it wasn't for her father she would not be living in this house, that is why she never considered it her house. She continued looking out the window, out to the ocean which was a clear blue, waves crashed down on the shore, leaving dark patches to where it touched.

"Remmy, were you even listening?" Remmy blinked a couple of times when she heard her father call out her name, in his deep, husky voice.

"Yes Father." She replied obediently, nodding her head toward him.

"Very well. Dear what did you think of the plans I made?" He asked her, questioning her so he could truly know if she had been paying attention, she knew he would do that and knew exactly what to say.

"They were wonderful. Simply wonderful and brilliant." She flashed him a wide smile and he nodded, pleased with her response. Once she knew that he paid no attention to her she turned back to the window, watching the waves once more, hearing faintly in the background her mother and father discussing various ways to improve their lives.

"Miss Evans?" She looked up at Minerva the maid. Remmy nodded to her. "Aren't you going to eat?" Minerva pointed to the plate in front of Remmy which was filled with pasta, steak, and mashed potatoes, nothing had been eaten.

"I'm not hungry." She gave the maid a small polite smile. Minerva's eyebrows furrowed and her face was etched with worry.

"Miss, you are far too skinny, you need some meat on those bones. You know those boys who are all over you won't be there forever. You need to look pretty for them." Remmy didn't say anything, she didn't want to look pretty for those boys, they lusted over anything that looked like remotely like a girl. Besides she had never held any interest in boys, only girls. One girl in particular, a girl with long dark hair which fell in waves to her waist, with electric blue eyes. Remmy had never spoken to anyone about her preference, it would some as shock and surely her father would be in denial and try to force boys at her and her mother, she would cry for days and no longer accept her as her own. It would be disastrous if she revealed her preference.

"I'm not to skinny." Remmy replied after a while, it was a fact. Remmy was not skinny nor was she fat, she didn't have those curves that most girls were so proud of, but she wasn't just bones.

"If you say so." Minerva muttered under her breath and gathered Remmy's plates before setting off toward the kitchen. 

Her father and mother had ignored the conversation she had, had with Minerva and were chatting away.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll be going upstairs." Her father gave a small nod and she stood up and dragged herself toward her room. 

In the privacy of her own room Remmy could dwell on what was coming. She was strong, but she knew she wasn't strong enough. She looked at her calender which was placed next to her bed and counted one month.

One month.

That was all she had left.

Author Note:

Sorry for it being short!!

Do you like the cover??? Made it today took about five minutes ;D

I'm not really good at third person, but I made the ending in third person and felt as if the story ten should be in third person. I'll try to get better at it, excuse my mistakes, I did not reread or edit this since I always do that sort of thing when the story is finished.

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