I'll Murder You

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Janice placed her tan hand into her bag, digging through it in search of her phone. She sighed with relief once she found it, flipping it open she checked the time.


"Holy shit." She muttered and started to walk faster toward her school. She was breathing heavily as she managed to get inside her school, which was nothing spectacular. It was a brick building that needed some renovations, it was a dull brown, and the roof seemed to be caving in. Multiple times throughout some of her classes pieces of the ceiling would fall upon her desk. The paint was peeling and was a very unattractive gray. It looked like a jail, and no one could deny that. This was the only school miles away, and everyone in the small town of Oaland had to come here. The rich, the poor, all teenagers. 

The school was seperated into those two groups, the rich girls stood on the red side. There bleached hair always perfectly straightened, there fingers manicured, they were all perfectly groomed and looked like barbies. The rich guys always went to the red side as well, all in designer clothing like the girls, they were the leaders. The guys on the football team, and soccer team, who, with there family connections, were bound to become well known in the athletic world.

On the blue side were the poor ones, the ones with the least money some middle-class students were there as well. They didn't wear designer clothing but they didn't look much different then most people. 

Janice fell in the middle, her aunt was classified as being rich, but she didn't want to associate myself with the rich. They just did not seem like nice people, they were exactly like those bullies you saw on television. Those who made your life a living hell. 

The only single person she has seen that did not seem to fit in with them was Remmy. Everyone knew her, everyone seemed to love her rich and poor. She had hair that was blond and curled around her face, her eyes were light blue. She fit into the role of a Californian girl, perfectly. As she thought of her Remmy appeared in front of her. Dressed in a light blue sweater which was over a ruffled white top, she wore skinny jeans, and flats.

Janice stared at Remmy hoping to catch a glimpse of her face but Remmy never turned, she walked into the school dissapearing from Janice's view.

She shook her head sighing, Remmy would never notice her, she was nothing, a piece of trash on the sidewalk, meant to be left alone. Janice hurried into the building, skipping going to her locker, and walking directly to her first class. Calculus, Janice was smart, she always was alone and studying was the only thing that kept her mind fully occupied. Nothing else  kept her from her mind wandering to other places.

The teacher, Mr. Gomez, gave her a glare as she sat down in her seat right in front of the class. They didn't have assigned seats since it was just a small class, everyone here was more mature then others, they were smarter, and paid more attention. Assigning seats only wasted the teachers time, at least that was what he had said.

"Thank you for joining us Janice." Mr. Gomez said from the front of the classroom while staring at her intensley. 

She rolled her eyes.

"I was only three minutes late." Janice called out pointing to the clock. She was actually seven minutes late, but she was hoping that his horrible eye sight would help her here.

"You should not disrupt my class." He replied walking over to the board and scribbling a formula onto the board.

"I wasn't." She mumbled, clenching her fists, and thinking of possible ways to murder him. 

Janice always was told she had anger issues, but at the moment she was trying to control herself, and was trying to ignore the urge for her to walk up to Mr. Gomez and wrapping her hands around his throat and choking him to death. She smiled slightly at the mental image.

"What's so funny?" 

Her eyes narrowed at her and she said nothing while she bit her tongue.

He sent her a smirk before continuing his lesson.

Teachers were such a pain in the ass.

Author Note: I did not read over this, sorry if there is any first person in here, I noticed that I was writing I sometimes instead of she, I believe I got all of them but I'm not sure.

I was supposed to put Remmy's point of view here, but I've been soo busy that I did not have any time. :/ I'll either do it an another chapter of just do it in this one later since it is soo short.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2012 ⏰

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