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All eyes in the courtroom were fixed on her.

She daren't look up, to see their hatred they had buried for years. Of what they had done, what she had done. Delphi felt the coldness of her heart begin to break. She felt the blood on her hands again; She sensed the guilt she never did before. And now, everyone was looking at her, as if the word 'murderer' was marked upon her head.

"Delphini Riddle." The minister spoke, expressionless. There was acid in her tone as she shuddered at the second word. A ripple of whispers passed the crowd, as each of them gaped and gossiped different versions of the truth. She caught the words, 'Bowker', 'Potter' and various ways of addressing an unnamed dark wizard.

Minister Granger continued, "Charged for assault, trespass into Hogwarts, theft from the ministry, illegal use of the Confundous charm and time turner, treason, and murder of a student-" Every word spat out at her like a curse, swirling in her dark, broken mind. She kept her eyes hard, fixed on the gleaming polished floor of the hall. Even her breathing stayed steady and a strange calmness swept over her throbbing body.
The crowd fell silent, waiting for the Minister's next move. Silence buzzed with energy around the witches and wizards, filling every space. Then Granger spoke again, "For a lifelong jailing in Azkaban."

There was a nodding of heads and murmur of agreement. With a wave of the hand from the Minister, the crowd parted, people filed off to continue with their work. Delphi let out a sigh of relief- at least they won't see her fall in front of them. 

A pair of Aurors yanked her to her feet. She stumbled forward, and slowly, came to face her charge.

Little Augurey {Delphini Riddle}Where stories live. Discover now