First Dates

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Brian and Roger had been together for about 4 months now, yet they'd never been on a first date. Sure, they'd spent many a night at home in front of the TV with a few beers and a pizza and they've gone to parties together but they've never gone on a date. Until now.

On Saturday morning, the band had been at the studio recording songs for their latest album. They'd been there for at least 3 hours if not more and they hadn't really gotten anywhere with the recording either. When the time came for them to go home, Roger went back to Brian's house with him. Roger may as well live at Brian's as he spends most of his nights there anyway. When they arrived at Brian's they both collapsed on the sofa, extremely tired. They just sat in silence for a while before Roger moved closer to Brian and rested his head on Brian's chest. Brian responded by putting his arm around the smaller man. They remained that way still in silence and fell asleep with one another.

A few hours had passed and Brian began to open his eyes slowly after his nap. He looked down to find Roger still in the same position he was in when they fell asleep. Brian sat and watched Roger sleep for a short while.

"God he's beautiful" Brian thought to himself.

"What did i do to deserve such an incredible boyfriend" he quietly whispered to himself, unintentionally waking Roger in the process.

Roger opened his eyes and sat up next to Brian. His arm still around the blonde.

"Are you feeling a bit more awake now Bri?" Roger asked with a croaky voice.

"A lot, thank you love" Brian replied.

Roger gave Brian a soft kiss before embracing him in a loving hug. As they parted Brian looked at the clock above his fireplace.

"Oh, its only 5:30pm Rog. I'm starving. Are you?"

"Yes very much so" Roger replied.

"Well... i was wondering if maybe..." Brian moved as close to Roger as possible when talking.

"Maybe what Bri?" Roger laughed.

Brian continued, "...maybe we could go to that place in town that you like for some food. It doesn't close until 11pm so we're alright for time. It's just that we've been together for a while and we've never gone on a date."

Roger looked into Brian's astonishing hazel eyes and simply said "yes, i would love that Bri!"

Brian excitedly jumped off the sofa and grabbed Rogers hands while doing so.

"We best start getting ready then" Brian stated.

They both waltzed into Brian's room to get ready. Roger had a few items of clothing already at Brian's because he had stayed over so many times before. Roger grabbed his chosen clothing and went into Brian's en-suite bathroom to get changed. Brian had also decided on what he was going to wear and began to change into the smarter attire. He looked at himself in the mirror trying to make his hair look a little less like a birds nest but it didn't really work out.

Meanwhile, Roger was putting on his black button down shirt, making sure to leave a few buttons at the top undone as he knew that's what Brian would do also. He quickly slipped into his black skinny jeans before frantically trying to make his hair also look a bit more presentable. Once he was ready he opened the bathroom door and strolled out into the bedroom. Spotting Brian at the mirror, unaware Roger had just come out of the bathroom he quietly walked over to the taller man and wrapped his hands around his waist and resting his chin on his shoulder. Brian spun around to face Roger and sure enough he was wearing a white button down shirt with the top few buttons undone. He was also wearing a pair of smart black trousers and a black blazer. Roger stepped back to admire how good his boyfriend looked in that outfit.

"Brian..." was the only thing Roger was able to say at that moment in time.

"You scrub up well" Brian said with a huge grin.

"Don't look to bad yourself" Roger replied, finally finding himself able to speak again.

"Not too bad eh?" Brian said sarcastically. "You were practically speechless when you saw me" he chuckled as he continued.

Roger didn't say anything. What he did do was leap at Brian wrapping his arms around his neck causing them to fall backwards onto the bed. They began to kiss passionately, arms still wrapped round each other.

"We should get going now" Roger said pulling away from the kiss unwillingly.

They both got up off the bed and went outside to Brian's car. Brian locked up his house and followed Roger to the Car. On their way into town, Roger would now and again place his hand on Brian's thigh moving it closer and closer to his crotch each time. Roger could sense what Brian was thinking and it wasn't helpful for him as he was driving. Before Roger could do it again they arrived at the restaurant. Brian parked right outside which was very handy.

As they entered the restaurant it was quite quiet but there was a good atmosphere there. They waited to be seated which didn't take long and a young waitress showed them to their table. She gave both of them a menu.

Before leaving she asked if the pair would like any drinks. Brian got a glass of orange juice as he would be driving home and Roger got his usual pint of beer. The waitress went a way to get the drinks and was back soon enough with them. She left saying she would come back in a bit to take their orders.

"What are you gonna get Rog?" Brian asked, not looking up from the menu.

"I'm torn between the chicken cesar salad and the pasta bolognese" he replied. "Do you know what you're having?" he asked.

"I think i might go for the vegetable curry" Brian responded this time looking up at Roger.

The waitress returned and the two men ordered. Roger eventually decided on getting the pasta bolognese. She then left and went to sort out their meals.

When they were waiting for their food, Roger felt a hand touch his fingertips under the table. He reached his hands to meet Brian's under the table, fingers intertwined and they began to look at each other.

"So Rog, I've been thinking and seeing as though you spend so much time at mine already, would you like to move in with me?" Brian asked wearily.

Roger couldn't help but smile. He squeezed Brian's hands under the table before replying with a simple "I thought you'd never ask" and a cheeky wink.

"I'm so happy Roger. Thank you." Brian said softly. "You really are the only person who has ever made me feel the way I do about you. I love you so much, I never want to be with anyone else." Brian looked like he was on the verge of tears.

Roger looked up into Brian's eyes. "I love you so much too Bri. I couldn't imagine my life with anyone else but you!"

They both smiled at each other and as they did their food arrived. Their hands separated under the table to grab their knives and forks. They began to tuck into their meal.

When they had both finished the delicious food, they paid the bill and made their way out to Brian's car. But, before getting in the car Brian pinned Roger up against it and kissed him tenderly.

"Ive been wanting to do that ever since you agreed to move in with me" Brian declared, caressing Rogers soft cheek.

They both got into the car and drove home, singing along to whatever came on the radio. As they reached Brian's house they rushed up the steps to the front door. They'd barely been in the house 5 seconds and Roger was already attacking Brian's lips with his own. They began to make their way to the stairs up to Brian's room when Roger stopped and looked at Brian.

"Tonight was perfect. It couldn't have gone better" Roger said.

He then continued to eagerly kiss Brian and felt him smile into the kiss at what he had just said. They both rushed up the stairs to Brian's room and slammed the door.

They both knew that this was going to be a good night.

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