Worst Hunt (Part 1)

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Your Outfit.

So it was late afternoon when Rick called the group together along with Michonne standing by his side.

"Okay, so everyone listen up" He began "As you all know Michonne has been gone for a while but she has found a new shopping center not far from here. She is convinced that another group might be stalking it" He stepped back and let Michonne take the floor.

"Look, I need everyone capable of moving to get their stuff together and meet us back here at 3 o'clock sharp, we have no time to waste" she put her hand to the ground then popped back up in shame "Guys, there's something you need to know, we are extremely low on everything including water so we need to go asap" Her and Rick walked away as everyone started to get their stuff together. 

You did the same and got an assault rifle shotgun from one of the wired fences. But then it was dark. A familiar set of hands covered your eyes.

"Guess whoooo" He playfully said.
"Hey Carl" you greeted in a way excited. You turned to him and gave him a quick kiss. 
"So did you hear what Michonne said" You asked. 
He nodded "Yeah, I mean I am a little scared but I have something for you". A huge smile grew on his face.
You smiled back "What is it"

"Close your eyes and turn around" He said.
You did as you were told.
He did what he had to do and said "Open your eyes" 
You look towards your chest and saw a chained necklace with a charm on it and a sowing pin. 
"I know it's not much but I know you deserve something" He said rubbing the back of his neck.
"It's the thought that counts and I love it" You say kissing him. 
You both for some reason looked at the clock and it was three.
"Show time" He laughed. You fearfully nodded.  
You two walked bakc down to the group where there were cars waiting for you two. Daryl was on his motorcycle and lead the way.

"You guys ready" Carol asked for the front seat everyone including Beth who was with you guys agreed. It kinda felt weird how everyone was so calm about it all like you guys were going ot a park, but no you were about to possibly slice some guys head. You were kinda resting your head on shoulders head, and stared trying to get every bad thought out of your head. 

"Am I the only one who is feeling a little sick you know like nervous" You asked everyone in the car. They all looked at you a little weird. 

"You'll be fine I swear you will be okay" Carl assured to you in your ear. You slowly nodded. 
You closed your eyes for a second, but then the car stopped and you were outside a shopping center. 

Everyone got out of their cars and Daryl took charge.

"Okay, Rick with Carl, Beth with Zach, Carol with Michonne and Steven with Maggie and Y/N I guess be with me and Tyreese and T-Dog" Daryl Instructed. You felt a little sick when you realized you weren't with Carl and your eyes got a little wet. You looked at Carl as the groups split up in the shopping center. 

"Stay with Daryl he could protect you better than me" Carl said with a little lie in his voice. You could tell he wanted to keep you in sight but he also knew Daryl was stronger than him. 
"But-" He cut you off "But nothing you will be safe now go before they get worried, I love you" He said before taking off. You ran off to go and find Daryl and the others. You ran into the shopping center and a walker was about to bit your face till it fell down. There was a neon green arrow through the back of it's head and you saw Daryl standing there a little pissed. 

"You know not to just run in here like that" He hissed quietly. 
You nodded in fear as you bit your lip. He huffed in agreement and walked off looking for resources. You did the same but this time more aware of your surroundings. You saw lightbulds and threw them in your bag and sound water bottles and did the same. The gun you had was strapped around your shoulder, so you held your knife to avoid that much noise. You saw a couple of the members now and then in sections of the store. You were completely scared and shaking and felt like passing out or throwing up. You shook off and calmed down. But once you relaxed you heard guns shots and screaming and you knew it wasn't your team who was shooting. A hand grabbed your risk you gripped your knife till you saw how it was Steven. "We have to go" He yelled over the guns. 

He ran threw the store but then walkers were filling the store because of the noise. He lead to the rest of the group behind the store. Everyone was panting and Rick was crying in his hands. 

"Where's Carl" You growled. 
" You know what  I lost him" He sobbed. 
"What" everyone yelled.
"We can't leave him" Carol protested. 
You were loosing your mind "Let's go" you took off running back in the store where the rest of the team followed.
You were ahead by a lot to the point where the rest of the group couldn't see you. You ran to an empty hallway where the lights were going on and off. "Carl" You whispered. Nothing. You did it again and still got nothing in return. 
"Well boys look who we have here" a group of teenagers smirked. 
"Grab her" The blonde one commanded. 
"Help" you cried before your mouth was covered. 
"What should we do with her" 

Part two anyone? Ne imagine after part 2? 

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