Chapter One, Scene I: High School Sucks

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A/N Hi! This is my first story on Wattpad! I'll try my best to keep it updated, but idk how well I'll be able to do it. >.<' I hope you enjoy the first chapter!

 "Alright, turn your books to page 1021." Mr. Francis said from the front of the classroom, sitting on one of the desks. "We're continuing our Shakespearean unit today with an excerpt from Romeo and Juliet."

Jess sighed, grabbing the heavy book from under her desk, flipping through the musty pages. She exchanged a glance with her friend Alice beside her, who was staring blankly at the page. Both of them were struggling with the Shakespearean unit, the language was so hard to comprehend the girls would be lost by the second sentence.

"Why do you all look so glum?" Mr. Francis jumped up from his perch on the desk. "Romeo and Juliet is just like those silly reality TV shows you watch now."

"How?" Someone chimed in.

"There's so much drama!" He laughed. "Action, insults, and of course romance." He smiled. "I'll try to make this as fun as possible for you all. I know you lot aren't interested in 400 year old books." He paced in front of the whiteboard, holding the teacher's edition literature book, and began reading.

"Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean...."

Jess struggled through the first scene along with the class. When the bell rung to release them, it was like a godsend. She packed up, throwing her literature notebook in her bag and running from the class, relieved to be free and in a world where people spoke English she could understand.

"That was so boring. We didn't even get to anything with Romeo or Juliet in it." Alice said as she caught up to Jess in the crowded hall.

"Like that part would be any less boring." Jess rolled her eyes and pushed her hair from her face. "I just wanna get this dumb Shakespearean unit over. I can barely understand a word in those damn plays!"

Alice sympathetically patted her shoulder. "I think this is the last play we're gonna have to read. I know it's hard."

"My parents are pissed about my fucking grades, and this stupid unit isn't helping!" She replied. Alice frowned and didn't reply, instead taking out her phone and checking her texts. Jess realized this was the end of the conversation and pulled out her phone, plugging in her earbuds and turning up her music. She fluffed her hair as they walked into the lunchroom, going to their usual seats, but instead meeting their group a couple feet away from the table.

"Guys, there's some new kid at our table." One of her friends said. Jess looked over, seeing a boy in a large black hoodie staring at his phone, ignoring his food.

"What do we do?" Jess' friend Daisy asked.

"God, you guys. It's just some boy, not a parasite. I'll go talk to him." She pulled out her earbuds, walking over to the boy. "Hey?" He didn't respond, and she sighed. "Hey?" She tapped the table in front of him, and he looked up.

His piercing green eyes glowed with annoyance, a strand of black hair falling in his face as he pulled out his earbuds. "Yeah?" His voice was light, soft, and slightly scratchy, and he sniffled as he spoke. She noticed a small, round septum ring hanging from his nose. Jess swallowed, suddenly nervous.

"This is- My friends and I usually sit here." She tripped over her words, trying not to blush.

"Oh. I don't mind if you sit here. I'd just rather sit here in the corner, if that's alright with you." He said, scooting his chair back from the table. "I don't make much noise." He smirked.

"Ah-Okay-uh..." Jess quickly pivoted on her heel and walked quickly back to her friends. "He, uh, said we could sit there-He just prefers to sit in the corner."

Her friends gave her some weird looks but walked over to the table, pulling up an extra chair. Jess stiffly sat down, keeping her eyes on her phone. Get yourself together! She scolded herself. Boys are stupid! You need to focus on that failing English grade before you start chasing after some dumb boy! She stewed over her thoughts, until realizing her friends had engaged the boy in conversation. Oh, god.

"I just moved here from Utah." He explained shyly. "My mom got a divorce and she wanted to start a new here, I guess." He shifted, revealing a Blink-182 shirt under his large jacket. He tucked his long, black hair behind an ear and adjusted his earbuds. "What grade are you guys in?"

"We're sophomores." Alice chimed, puffing out her chest a bit.There was no way this shy twig of a kid was anything more than a freshman, right, Jess? Freshmen are gross and you would never consider dating one-

"Cool. I'm a junior." Fuck.

The boy's name was Nicholas, he liked to sing and skateboard. He had a pretty laugh and when people complimented his bright, beautiful green eyes, his pale cheeks would gain a bit of colour. He was 17, had size 8 gauges, and was very tall.

And Jess was enamored. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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