The magical items

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Jack's hilt. It is the very first to be introduced, it will activate when Jack swings it and the Heat gem is in it. It is made out of Geomanium, lighter than silk, stronger than steel. This substance is really rare, Jack is really lucky to have the materials. He also sprayed it neon red, dark orange, and goldenrod. His iconic taste of fire, the hilt symbolizes hatred and anger with style.
The second is just in plain sight, but it was casted with an illusion spell which makes it looks like an ordinary pebble which is now something that can send you to a dark realm. The only known people who could see it is Marios, Jack, Tania, Opal, William, Sofia, and Hisbel. Marios just left it like that and wants to hold it in his hands, symbolizing him wanting to be alone.
    The staff of Tributis was crafted by Sofia because she lives in the forest and she can communicate with plants and they gave her some supplies. To make a staff for the life gem. She usually gathers things from far away. Also, she uses it for combat. Symbolizing that she gathers things(information) and is not afraid of a lot of things.
    The ice gem is protected by a mace shaped ice to the gem and create different shapes and sizes to help defeat other enemy's. Opal protects her friends and tries to keep them warm. Meaning she keeps people protected no matter what and keeps people warm so they don't die of being frozen.
   The actuality gem is owned by Anubis, the lord of reality. Elixirs are rare and does not move like the elixir Anubis uses. He made it a reality to make elixirs different. He is a God which is the rarest thing to happen. Meaning, he is a God.
The Galaxy gem is held by a Space Dice, also known as the levitation stone. It's random and if anybody rolls it, anything can happen. Nobody owns it because it will cause a galactic war and probably destroy the 6 Realms. Anything can happen, DON'T ROLL THE DICE!
There is a big chance you will die.

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