My Baby Boy❤️❤️❤️

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Justin's Pov
I woke up and I did not feel Raegan holding me I was worried I did not know where he was until I got a call
(H-Hospital J-Justin)
H- Is this Justin Blake
J- Yes what's wrong
H- Raegan has been in a very bad car accident
J- WHAT Is he okay
H- He is kinda okay all he is doing is yelling for you he won't let us do anything can you come down to clam him down
J- Yes I'll be right there
Then Justin hung up and he ran and got his car keys and phone and the charger and he got in his car
*Time skip to the hospital*
Justin: I need to see Raegan Beast
N- He is down the hall room 58
Justin can hear Raegan yelling as he gets closer he knew he had to clam him down
Nurse: Are you Justin
Justin: Yes
Nurse: We need to get him clam he needs medication and his spine checked
Justin: I'll get him calm just give me a few minutes
Nurse: Okay
Justin walked in the room and over to the side of the bed and grabbed Raegans hand
Justin: Baby I'm here
Raegan kept yelling
Justin knew he had to clam him down so he kissed his forehead in hopes it would work and it did Raegan opened his eyes
Raegan: Your here *Crys*
Justin: Yes baby I'm here
Raegan: Don't leave please
Justin: Never he said pulling him into a hug till Raegan
Raegan: Ouch!
Justin: I'm sorry I'm so sorry
Raegan: It's fine
Justin walked out and got the nurse
Nurse: Raegan we have to check your spine and give you pain medication Justin will have to leave
Raegan: No please let him stay or I won't let you
Nurse: Fine he can stay change in to this
Raegan had to take off his binder and shirt
Raegan: can you help me babe
Justin: Of corse
Raegan walked over and lifted Raegans shirt off carefully not to hurt him he went to help him with his binder but Raegan he turned away
Justin: Baby I'm not going to judge you
Raegan: I don't want you to see who i used to be
Justin: Babe I'm not going to judge you please trust me
Raegan turned back facing Justin, Raegan closed his eyes as Justin pulled off his binder Justin said nothing
Raegan: You said you would not judge he said corving him self with his hands
Justin: I'm not
Raegan: Then why are you staring
Justin: I'm thinking about how perfect you are
Raegan: I'm not perfect
Justin: Yes you are move your hands
Raegan: No
Justin: Please
Raegan moved his hands Justin kissed his chest to show him that no matter what he loved him
Raegan: Why did you do that
Justin: I did that because I wanna show you I love you no matter how you look your my handsome boyfriend that's all I see
Raegan: That's why I love you
Justin helped him but the robe on and helped him lay on his belly
The doctor came In
Doctor: Are you ready Raegan
Raegan: What are you going to do
Doctor: I have to put a needle in your back I need to run some tests
Raegan: What no please no
Doctor: We have to Justin can stay
Raegan tried to get up but Justin would not let him
Raegan:let me up please babe
Justin: No you need this done I'll be right here
Raegan: Fine
The doctor put the needle in his back on the bottom of his spine Raegan yelled out
Raegan: STOP
Justin: Babe clam down he was down sitting on the floor so he could see Raegan's  face
Justin, Your doing great look at me
Raegan looked at Justin
Raegan, It hurts
Justin, I know baby just a few more minutes
Raegan, please don't make me do this
Justin, you have to
Justin got closer to Raegan so Raegan could lay his head on his shoulder
Raegan: Baby please make it stop it burning
Raegan: Doctor it burning
Doctor: That means  it almost done
                                   The doctor pulled the needle out of his back and that's when Raegan lost it he yelled and cried but Justin was right there to hug him and make him feel better
Justin: You did great baby
Raegan: I did
Justin: Yes
Raegan: Can I have a kiss now
Justin: Yes but let's sit you up first
Justin got Raegan to sit up and Justin kissed raegan softly
The nurse came in and put a iv in Raegan to give him medicine
Raegan: I'm tired can we cuddle
Justin: Yes
Justin cuddled up to Raegan and they both fell asleep

Okay I'll update tomorrow I'll be posting a lot for a few days but see you all tomorrow it's almost 1 am for me and I'm tired 😂 ily all sm

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