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Rosalyn woke up to the feeling of being licked. She opened her eyes slowly. Her whole body hurt. She heard whimpering, and not sure from who. When she was able to see clearly through her eyes, she could see two furry black legs. She felt something wet press against her cheek. It whimpered once more before she knew who it was.

"Conley!" She sat up and weaving her arms stiffly around him. He gently licked her filthy shoulder. She winced when he rolled his tongue over her many scratches on her. When she let go, Rosie immediately had dread and fear consume her. "Mommy! Daddy!" She cried bloody murder. Her cries eventually turned into sobs as her body started to shake. Conley tried to comfort the small child but could only do so much.

An hour later Rosie, who couldn't cry any longer because she ran out of tears to cry, stood up with shaking legs. She leaned onto Conley and he look up at her waiting for a command. She looked around hoping that a certain direction will lead her home. But everything looks the same. She had no idea where to go. She was lost.

She looked at the hill but it was too steep for a little girl like her to climb. Conley looked the same way and tried to climb it but even for him it was too steep. Whimpering on his third time down, Rosie started to pet him trying to calm him.

Conley started to push her into a direction, it took her a minute to understand his intentions. "Okie Conley, find mommy." And she pointed like her father would do when he was training Conley to hunt.

Conley sniffed the ground before walking and Rosie walked closely behind. But about ten minutes later, Rosie's stomach growled in hunger. Rosie stopped and looked for something to eat. She quickly found berries that reminded her of blue berries. But instead they were black, but Rosie was hungry and wanted something sweet to eat. And he berries seemed to be the perfect meal.

But Conley nipped her hand before she could touch the nice looking berries. And before she could protest, Conley pushed her away from the berries. Rosie pouted but walk along.

When night began to fall, Rosie was barely walking. She was basically asleep on her feet. Conley softly lead her to a covered area. Rosie felt weak and hungry. She had yet to eat anything that day. Every time she tried to touch any kind of berries, Conley would nip at her. Her mouth also felt dry as she hadn't had any liquids within twenty-four hours.

Within the night, Rosie woke up to the sound of growling animals. She opened her eyes to see an outline of Conley and another animal, which she later learned was a coyote. Conley's fur was puffed out and he bared his teeth. The coyote mimic him and pounced. Both animals rolled to the ground with the Coyote on top.

Conley pawed the coyote, trying to choke it. But the coyote bit into his flesh. Conley whimper but did not stop. He somehow managed to get the coyote off of him and bite into it's neck, killing the wretched beast. He then limped to Rosie, who was crying silently, and laid down all bloody. Rosie could just barely see the red scratch down his side. Then at one point she fell asleep.

Conley woke up Rosie early in the morning. Rosie was exhausted, she kept waking up from nightmares of the evil coyote. Conley both stiffly and limping, leading the way with Rosie cautiously walking behind. Afraid what will the woods throw at her next. She called out, "mommy! Daddy!," until her voice was too hoarse to shout any longer.

Blood slowly still oozed as Conley kept going. Rosie was worried about him but she didn't know what to do. She was just a frightened little girl. She didn't know how to survive the wilderness. This was her first time out in the wilderness. She sore, tired, hungry, and, thirsty. All she had was Conley, who was slowly dying before her eyes. But if he can keep going, so can she.

Awhile later, little Rosie stepped inside a small hole, causing her to lose her balance. As she fell she managed to twist over, landing awkwardly on the hard ground. Her right ankle throbbed. She cried out in pain. She tried to stand but couldn't put any weights on it for it was twisted. Conley gently licked her ankle but only to make the pain worse.

But the determined toddler, got into her hands and knees and started to crawl. But only lasted three minutes after rocks pricked her skin and her knees started to bleed. Rosie leaned against a huge tree. Her eyes drooped heavily. Conley licked clean her wounded legs. Removing every speck of dirt on each wound.

"Good boy Conley. Very good." He smiled weakly, petting his soft black head. Conley responded by wagging his tail lightly. With one last big lick one Rosie's chubby little face, Conley circled a round himself and laided on top of Rosie. Rosie soon fell asleep. The warmth of Conley lulled her into a deep sleep. Putting her little mind to rest.

In her dreams she dreamed of being with her parents. All happy and smiling. But then a dark cloud monster kidnapped her and drag her farther and farther into the deep green woods.

In reality her parents were too far away. Looking for their baby angel. Praying that God mustn't take her yet. That she was too young to visit Him just yet. The problem was that little Rosie was going the wrong way. Instead of getting closer to home. She is only getting farther and farther away. Into the deep green woods. But this time there wasn't a scary Cloud monster after her. It was Mother Nature herself. And she isn't going easy on her.

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