Youth; Luciel Choi x Neglected! Otaku! Reader {Fluff}

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Before I get started, I know Seven as well as the other MM characters aren't anime or anime related, but whatever. Anywaysssss enjoy~


What if, what if we run away?
What if, what if we left today?
What if, we say goodbye, to safe and sound...

~Author POV~
You sighed. You were always a sweet, kind, and caring girl, yet so many people neglected you. Your parents, your relatives, your siblings, and everyone else. Of course, all you wanted was love and attention, but you would never get that. Or so you thought. Let's just say, one day a beautiful red head bumped into you and it was love at first sight. He gave you the attention you needed and deserved. He gave you what you always wanted. Not only were you given attention, but you were given love.

What if, what if were hard to find?
What if, what if we lose our minds?
What if, we let them fall behind, and they're never found?

~Your POV~
Seven has work again. He always does! But, being the considerate and patient person I am, I waited quietly and didn't complain. After about 6 hours of him just sitting there, he was still there. Eyes on his computer screen. Hands on the keyboard moving as fast as lighting. You walked up to him and hugged him from behind, he jumped slightly, before relaxing into the embrace. It was silent for about five minutes, before you broke it "Hey, you've been working so long. Why don't you take a break?" He didn't say anything. You sighed but imstead of giving up, you went infront of him and sat on his lap. He stopped tapping the keyboard too shocked to even move. "(Y/N), what are you doing?" His beautiful angelic- like voice rang in your ears as if its been forever since you heard it- in fact, it actually has. "You've been to busy, Luciel" he froze at the use of his real name, but didn't mind it nontheless.

And when the lights start flashing like a photobooth, and the stars exploding we'll be fireproof.

~Seven's POV~
I froze after hearing her say my real name, rather than my common nickname "Seven" but I didn't mind it anyways. Finally, I pulled away from the keyboard and tightly hugged her little form. She was so fragile. As if she can break anytime if she was poorly taken care of. Her tiny little gentle heart has been through so much neglection, but I am- and always, will be here for her to make up all that neglection. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I was to busy." I said with my most gentlest voice. "Its okay, Luciel. But why don't we grab something to eat? You've been staring at that screen for a full 6 hours. Plus, I was just sitting down on the couch watching you" I was suprised that she has that much patience in her. But thats one of the reasons why I love her, hell, I could go on and on about all the reasons why I love her, but I'll save that for later. For now, lets get my baby some food. "Sure, lets go get my baby some food" I ended up saying my thoughts outloud. Making her blush and me smirking. Nonetheless, she got off of my lap to get ready as I just chuckled.

My Youth, My Youth is yours. Trippin' on skies sippin' waterfalls. My Youth, My Youth is yours. Runaway now and forevermore.

We ate at (Favorite restaurant). (Y/N)'s favorite place to eat. I had a little plan since we've been dating for a little over 2 years. As (Y/N) ordered what she wanted to eat, I also ordered what I liked. We ate, talked, and laughed as we exchanged funny stories about our lives and the RFA. I checked the time '3:30'' I thought to myself. I had a little suprise planned out for her.

My Youth, My Youth is yours. Truth so loud you can't ignore, My Youth, My Youth, My Youth, My Youth is yours.

~Author's POV~
"Remember when Yoosung tried that drink at the first RFA Party? And that priceless face he made when he said it tasted too sour!?" Both (Y/N) and Seven bursted out in laughter at the face Yoosung made. (Y/N) describing it as 'As if someone gave him a comeback and he dosen't know what to say' face. Then, Seven stood up, pulled (Y/N)'s wrist gently taking her with him. He paid for the food and left. They headed to the mall where he and (Y/N) did some shopping, Seven getting whatever (Y/N) wanted. When they passed by a local anime shop, (Y/N) stopped dead in her tracks and rushed up to the store with Luciel just smiling as (Y/N) dragged him into the shop. (Y/N) had a huge spark in her eyes as she looked at Luciel in a begging demeanor. Luciel just nodded as he got what (Y/N) was trying to say. She was internally saying "Luciel, can I please buy whatever I want?" Luciel looked around the shop, eyeing on the perfect thing to buy (Y/N) he smiled to himself and brought whatever (Y/N) got and the little present he got for her.

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