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Drew looked up from the novel that he had been reading for the past 4 hours, to find a brunette that looked around his age, seated in the chair next to him.

Drew cleared his throat uncomfortably. He found himself frowning at the sight of the girl, as she looked like she was half-drunk and half-dead.

"What?" the girl snapped in a grouchy voice, clearly annoyed that she was being awoken in the middle of a delightful snooze, completed with a bit of drool sliding down her left cheek.

Drew immediately broke his gaze, startled by her menacing voice. "Um, this is my table."

"Okay, first of all, this is my table! I always sit here and my parents own this little diner! Secondly, even if this was your table, I think you would gladly offer me to join you, once you figure that I wrote that dumb book you're obsessing over! And lastly, what the hell were you staring at?"

For such a talented actor, who mostly starred as a person with a lot to say and ask, Drew was speechless for once. He just left his mouth hanging open for a few minutes before he comprehended everything the girl was saying. "You mean you're Amelia Roberts? The Amelia Roberts?"

"Why do you look so surprised? Have you seriously never seen a picture of me, even though you seem really into my book?" Amelia rolled her eyes, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Um, no. But anyway, let me start over. First of all, I am Drew Canning. Yes, the Drew Canning. Since we're both famous, there's no reason for you to act all cocky and boastful around me. Secondly, just because your daddy owns this diner, doesn't mean you have your own table and no one gets to sit there, especially when I got to the table first, like 4 hours ago. And besides, you need to give your customers the best service - and by service, rule number one is no hogging tables and claiming that one is yours. Thirdly, I am not obsessed with your book. I am a bookworm and reading books is what we do. And lastly to answer your question, I was staring at the way you sleep. You do realize that you have a bit of drool on your left cheek, right?" Drew smirked when he saw the famous best-selling author blush and quickly swipe at her left cheek.

Drew continued staring, trying to hold in his laughter. "It's still there."

"Where?" Amelia asked, accidentally smearing her drool with her palm so it now covered her whole entire cheek.

Drew offered, "Need some help?"

"No, thank you," Amelia stubbornly replied.

After 5 more minutes of trying to get the wet, sticky thing off her face, she finally gave in. "Alright, work our magic, pretty boy."

Drew chuckled at the childish tone of her voice and used a napkin to wipe off her drool.

"There you go, now you're squeaky clean!" he said, once he was done.

Amelia glared at him, with a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips, and called a waitress over to order a plate of pancakes with extra maple syrup.

While waiting for her food to arrive, Drew couldn't resist asking her something. "Amelia, can I ask you something?"

"Shoot before I change my mind."

"Do you always wake up late, fall asleep on this exact table, and then scream at anybody who tries to wake you up?"

"Now I kind of regret allowing you permission to ruin my day with the most sensitive question out of all of the sensitive questions there may be." She waved her arms around in the air dramatically like she was on drugs.

"Sensitive, huh?"

"What kind of question is that? It's like you're asking me what my favorite food is, which I answer with pancakes, and then you ask me why I like pancakes."

"To be honest, your example was really stupid. You know you sound a lot like those nerds that talk a lot but then, when you think about it again, you realize that you're not actually a nerd, you're just a dumb dork that talks about a load of rubbish that doesn't even half make sense, except you make your sentences longer so people actually think you're smarter than you actually are."

"I didn't even understand half of what you just said, but now that I think about it, you do realize that you're such a hypocrite, right?" Amelia deadpanned.

"Whatever. Just answer my question." Drew rolled his eyes.

"Which one? The first one or the stupid one?"

Drew's cheeks were burning as he tried to play it cool. So much for his acting skills. "The first one."

Amelia seemed rather embarrassed to answer his question. "Maybe I do scream at my customers once in a while."

"And I bet they never come back. You're lucky I don't hold a grudge or you'd be losing one more customer," Drew teased, winking.

Amelia glared as her cheeks burned. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, don't act like you don't want me to be back because I know you do. See you tomorrow, sweet cheeks!" Drew walked out of the double doors, leaving Amelia speechless.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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