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Laura sat down on a seat in the 8C form class room. She sat beside a girl she thought looked nice.
"Hi," the girl said, "I'm Jorja!"
"I'm Laura, Hi!" Laura responded.
Jorja took a minute just to look at Laura. She could already see that she was way out of her league. She was tall and dark haired.
"...Jorja?" Laura said, suddenly shaking Jorja out of her daydream.
"Oh yeah... Well hi, I'm Jorja"
Another girl came and sat at the table, opposite Laura.
"Hi," Laura said, "I'm Laura, and this is my friend Jorja!"
Jorja blushed at being called Laura's friend.
"Really...your name's Laura?" The girl said.
"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Laura said aggressively.
"I'm called Laura too!" She said, "This is really weird"
"Yeah but I love it," the new Laura says with a smile, "So I'll never forget your name!"
"Yeah" the first Laura says, "I have a feeling we're going to be friends"
"I hope so," said Jorja. Maybe even more she thought to herself, quickly shaking the thought out of her head.

The girls sat and talked for a while. Their classmates branched off to go and talk to each other, make as many new friends as possible, but Jorja and the Laura's stayed grounded at that table.

How lucky they were to meet each other.

By January, Laura, Laura and Jorja were the best of friends. They also had friends in the other classes, Holly and Katie, the conjoined twins and Aöife, who to be honest was a bit mental, but they all were.
They were young, dumb and...

In love?

Loving LauraWhere stories live. Discover now